;vhs rh ri)~ (ipxi)~ would seem to imply, or merely a common
practice of corruption, as in England in the last century, AristotIe
does not clearly inform us. ~LUR
Cp. Plat. Rep. viii. 544 D,
a3iXqv Zxas i8iav lroXirr$s, qris Kai b &1 8~arPauri rtvi rrirai; 8vvamrCar
ybp rtal tyrai @aaAriac xai roraGrai rives nokirriar petat6 71 rokou no6
riurv, rzpol 8’ Zv 71s ahhs OCK 2hdrrovs rcpi TO~E BapI86p0~r 4 T&S “Ehkquao. ,
- I 2. &’rrov 6’ ri xai lrpociro r$v hopiav rfv ~rrflK~v d vopo6iqs.
The MSS. vary between dropiav and Ccropiav without much dif-
ference of meaning : ‘ Even if the legislator were to give up the
question of the poverty’ [or ‘wealth] of the better class.’ Asimilar
confusion of &ropor and r0ropos occurs elsewhere : iii. 17. $4, (irdpair
and c;~;~~oIs: v. 1. $ 14, &opr and cdnopoi: v. 3. $ 8, drdpov and
rh6pov : vi. 2. Q 9, cindpors and tkdpocs. - I 4. rorvd+cpdv rr yhp, im%nrp choprv, Kai KC~XXLOV ZKUUTOV daorrAcirar TGV
ah& xai 8;rrrou.
KOLUd7fpOV, ‘ more popular,’ because more persons hold office.
Ka8ircp &opcv, cp. $ 13.
&~oTOV ri)u airriv, i,e. because each thing remains the same.
The insertion of hi before riv, suggested by the Old Transla-
tion ab eisdem, is unnecessary. riiv airs&, ‘where the duties are
the same.’
KAXW cinorcXcirur, Le. if many share in the government each
individual can be confined to the same duties, a division of labour
to which frequent reference is made in Aristotle. (Cp. ii. 2. $4 5,6;
iv. 15. $4 7, 8; vi. 2. Q 8, and Plat. Rep. ii. 374 A, iii. 397 E.)
And there is more political intelligence where everybody is both
ruler and subject.
11.15. If&yOWCTl r$ rXowciv. See note on text.
So England has been often said to have escaped a revolution
during this century by the help of colonization: nor is there ‘any
more profitable affair of business in which an old country can be
engaged’ (Mill). That Aristotle was not averse to assisting the
poor out of the revenues of the state when any political advantage
could be gained, or any permanent good effected for them, we infer
from vi. 5. $5 8, 9.