(Wang) #1
dvoTE.T, BOOK ZII. '3. '33
as follo\vs : Seeing that the end of the state is (I justice "which
is the Common good, etc., and is also equality between equals, of
,,.horn or what is this equality or inequality? '
6OXCi 6; xiiuiu.. rois ~aib +rXouo+l'av Xdyotr. la. I.
Compare Topics i. 14, IO5 b. 30, rphs piu o8v $rXouor#Jlav Karl
;Ai;artav mpl alrSu Irpayparcusc'ov, GraXrKrruis 62 lrpbs Gd&w.
f; ?;,p p.~;XXov sb 11 pLy&, mi 8~s hv r; p;YtaoE iutiprXXou &I mi la. 6.
E,,;,r r~oirov Kai vpds iXfvtkplav. &UT' ri nXfiov 66; Gia$i'pci uarci piy66ur
4 6?; wr' +rtjv, Ka'r ?iXri.,v i1rcp;Xci o"hos dpcris piyr60st rZq iv uup&r&
&TO' rodv8r ybp p;yf6os cl Kpc;rrov TOUO;~~, roudvb'f 6ixov &E ~frou.

That is to say, If different qualities can be compared in the con-
crete, they can be compared in the abstract, and degrees of difference
tnn be compared even when two things differ in kind. If a tall
mnn can be compared with a virtuous, then virtue can be compared
with height, and all degrees of height and virtue can be compared.
Iiut lhis is impossible, for they have no common measure. Quali-
lies can only be compared when they have a common relation,
such as viriue and wealth have to the state.
$p pGXXov, ' for if we begin by saying that size in the concrete
vm be compared with wealth and freedom then ne cannot avoid
sAying the same of size in the abstract : which is absurd.'
I he bearing of this argument on the general discussion is as
ro!iows : Aristotle is explaining the nature of political equality
liich can only exist between similar or commensurable qualities
and therefore between persons who possess such qualities : in the
case of the state for example only belmeen qualities or persons
are essential to the state, not between such as are indifferent,
not between flute-playing and virtue, but between virtue and wealth.

: j s 3 i 1 '




;lT#J rirv xp0r;pou.. ;uru 61 roirov. la. 9.
1) freedom and wealth.. 2) justice and valour.
dv+~ xduao ctar nis soiairas ToXircias napcr~durrs.
In a certain sense even the government of virtue is a perversion,
if we could suppose the virtuous to govern for their own interests
and to disregard those of others (cp. infra $5 IO, 20). At any rate
ylr:ue is cot the only element required in a state.

  1. I.

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