(Wang) #1
XOTES, 1'OOZi ZZZ. 14. 1.39
6; K* ;yhv ;ncivrves pdxqs R.7.i. 14. 5.

  1. ii. 391-393. These lines which are rightly assigned here to
    Agamemnon are put into the mouth of Hector in Nic. Eth. iii. 8. $ 4.
    r;hp ybg ipoi Ociuaros. 14. j.
    These ivords are not found either in this or any other passage of
    our Homer, though there is something like them in Iliad, xv, 348 :--
    bv av ;yhv ~IFdYcUeE vfiru iriPoel Yo+.,
    ah03 oi Ocivarov pvriuopac K.T.~.
    The error is probably due, as in Xic. Eth. ii. 9. 5 3 and iii. 8. 6 4,
    10 a confused recollection of two or more verses. For a similar
    confusion of two lines of Homer cp. Plat. Rep. 389 E.
    ;xouui 8' acral 7;u Ghapiv ~rk~i naparrhqulnv TupavvrKi. eiu? 6' +WE 14. G.

The SISS. vary greatly : The hIilan hIS. reads rupavviuc KU~ Kart;,
instead of TU~QVV~K~~. rid 8' +os. So Paris I, 2, but omitting :
other JISS. preserve traces of the same reading. Others read mpn-
rXqulws TU~WULK~V. Out of these Bekker has extracted the Text, in
which hoxever +LOIS seems to be unnecessary and to rest on insuf-
ficient authority.

rarh v6pOV KU\L 7iaTplKai.

Suseniihl reads rupavviulv. ciui 6; mi K.r.X.
For the disticguisliing characteristics of nations, see Book vii. 14. 6.
: T. $4 1-4.

~n'r 4 qhhamj 6; ,%u&K; KU'~ 06 TrpavvrKij Si& .;1v ahjv airlava ol 14. 7.
$1~ 7ioXirai qjuXd7rouuiv O*nXocs robs BoutXsis, rois ai rupdvvous &vrKbV.
6th T~V air+ airiav.
A he omission of the ai ticle before [FviKbu emphasizes the oppo-
Sltm between ol noXirai and [fULK&-'their own citizens' are con-
trasted with ' any mercenary body.'

' Because the form of government IS legal.'

6u KaroTrdrplba. 14. IO.
Elther on analogy of cv"na~pis,* ' the base born,' or possibly ' the
lnJUrer of his country,' like KaK&?OUhOS, ' the maltreater of his slaves.'
ybp rb sois nphro,, ycviuOai 703 7ihjeovs f6fpyr'TUS Kurh ~i'xvas 9 14. I 2.
ndhspov, 4 6th rb cruuayayciv 4 Tropiuai Xhpapav, iyivovro Badcis ~KO'WOV
10; rois nopaXap6dvouur rdrptol.
cp. V. 10. $$ 7-9, where royalty is said to be based on merit;
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