(Wang) #1
SOTES, B00X IC: 2. 1.5‘
gates are said to be ‘posterior ’ to the good states). This gives a
sense, but is with difficulty elicited from the words.

zV Ti sp~rn pcedsa. a. I.
cp. infra c. 8. $ I, where the words t‘v rois Kar’ cipxjv refer to iii.
c. 7. See Essay on the Structure of Aristotle’s Writings.

xrpi piv dprmoKpurias KU~ BaaiXtias dpqiat (rb yAp acpi TI~S dp[rnrp 2. I.
7;ahlrcias Bcwpjuai rairrb rtai ncpi ro;rwv iuriu cinciv rirv duopdrwu).
He seems to mean that in discussing the ideal state he has
already discussed Aristocracy and Royalty. But the discussion
on the ideal state has either been lost, or was never written, unless,
2,s some think, it is the account of the state preserved in Book vii.
Other allusions to the same discussion occur in what follow:

  1. 5 4, rrr npbs rak Karh nXoiirou Gta$opais iuriu 4 pLiv K~TA y&os 4
    6; mr’ riprr+, KBU c? ri Si roroiirov &qmv erpvrar soicws cluar p;por iu
    T& xfpi T~U alpiurortpariav, a passage which is supposed to refer to
    vii. i. e. iv. c. 8 and 9, by those who change the order of the books
    (Susemihl, kc.). But in this latter passage the allusion to the
    perfect state is very slight, and the point of view appears to be
    different ; for no hint is given that it is to be identified with royalty
    or aristocracy. V’hether the-words of the text have a reference, as
    Sclilosser supposes, to the end of Book iii. c. 14-18, where Aris-
    tale discusses the relation of the one best man to the many good, is
    equally doubtful. A reference to the discussion of aristocracy in
    Some former part of the work also occurs infra c. 7. 4 2, ;~LUTOK~UT~QU
    GV OL KaXirs Cxci wa~st srpi $9 8r$~Bopcu iu rais np~rors ~dyors.

PohcraL yhp &aripa Karl cipcrjv uuvcmdvai yyopqy+np. a. I.
‘ For royalty and aristocracy, like the best state, rest on a prin-
ciple of virtue, provided with external means.’

ndrc 6ci /3auiXsiav vopi&iv. a. I.
Not ‘when we are to consider a constitution to be a royalty,’ for
there is no question about this, but vop&tv is taken in the other
Sense of ‘having,’ using,’ ‘ having as an institution,’ like utoor in
Latin. For this use of the word cp. vopilcrv ~KKX~’UU, iii. 1. 5 IO ;
and for the matter cp. iii. 17. $4 4-8.

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