(Wang) #1
A'Ol'EES, BOOK 11.: 4. '5.5
jL jCp G. C. Lewis' ' Political Terms,'Edit. 1877, p. 50). An oppo-
bite Viex is held by Maine, who argues truly ' that there is more in
sovereignty than force ' (Early Institutions, p. 358 ff.). Aris-
lo!le insists that the character of a government depends more on the
yu'Z/i~ than on the pun7zh'iy of the sovereign power.
T;v ro'Xcpov rbv rppbs .?VBOiE. 4. j.
possibly the war with Gyges mentioned in Herod. i. 14. The
('olophonians like the other Ionians (Herod. i. 142) appear to have
ivcn the subjects of Croesus at the time of his overthron.. A
tc'itiinonp to their wealth and luxury is furnished by Xenophanes
..lthenaeum xii. c. 31.526 C, who says that a thousand citizens
arrayed in purple robes would meet in the agora of Colophon.
"on piv ofv sohirtiar shciovs, KU~ 62 Qv airhv, eypqrac. 6~drc 62 nXdous 4. 7.
T~V tlpqpivwv, ai rives Kai 6rh r;, hiyopcv ipxrjv XaPdvrcs riv eipqpIvqv
nplrtpov* 6pohoyoqLrv yi2p 0;x Ev plpos rihhh 7rhrio siuav ZXfW sdhtv.
It is remarkable that Aristotle should revert to the parts of states
\viiich he professes to have already determined when speaking of
aristocracy (cp. c. 3. $ 4). His reason for returning to them is
that he is going to make a new subdivision of states based upon
t11c differences of their parts or members.
As he says, infra $ 20, "Orr piu 0th chi TOLL-
r&ar sXcious mi 6th rivas airhs elpqrar rpdrrpor. 8rl 6' im1 mi Gqp~~pa-
dar c?8, rArio mi dhiyapxlas Xlyyopev.

nXfiovr riv cipqpivov.

Compare Book vii. 8. 4 9.
The illustration from animals may be worked out as follows. 4. 8.
suppose the different kinds of teeth were a, a', a", a"', etc., the
different kinds of claw, feet, etc. were 6, b', 6", b"', c, c', c", c"',
and SO on with the other organs which are important in determining
'he character of an animal. Then, according to Aristotle, the
different combinations of these will give the different species.
Thus :--
a', 6, c", will be one species,
a, b', c", another and so on.
SO with constitutions :-
If we combine ycopyoi, having some political power and coming
Occasionally to the assembly, with disfranchised ~dvauuor, and a
wiiticallj' active wealthy class, the result will be an oligarchy or

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