(Wang) #1

    1. 8d rb ,uriXXov dKohov0riv .rra&iov Kai cLylvELav rois slxoporipols.
      Men tend to identify nobility with wealth (cp. infra 3 8), not
      unreasonably, for wealth gives leisure, and in the second generation
      commonly education. For cGyiutia, see Rhet. i. 5, 1360 b. 31.

    1. 8OKfi 6' fhll TGV d6VVLkUV Tb €JVOpEiU8ilL Tl)V dpLG70KpaTOvp(qv
      rrO?iLV, dhhh lTOVI')pOKpaTOUp&yV.
      The words dhhh ?TOV?pOKpaTOUpiV7p (omitted in the translation) are
      read by all the MSS. (and supported by W. de Moerbeke), and there-
      fore though pleonastic are unlikely to be a gloss. If retained we musf
      I) supply rbopfiu8ar from ri, pi r;uaprbBai, 'A state cannot be ill
      governed by good men, or well governed by evil men.' 2) \Ye
      may alter the order of words by placing p) before dprmoKparovpiqv,
      instead of before cGuopciuBnL (Thurot, Susem.). Or 3), with Betker
      (2nd ed.), we may insert p$ before sov?poKparovphy. Or 4) alter
      aovqpoKparovp&p into mvqpoKparcioBac, answering to fG~opeiuaal.

    1. 6rA p'iav piu &op/av ,. rd d%u8ar 70;s KCip~VOLS vdpois.
      Cp. Thuc. iii. 37, where Cleon says, vdvrov 6; 6crvdrarov €1 &%mw
      rjpiv p$& KaBrm<&L Lv hv 8662 &p~, pq6; yvoudpda o"rr Xdpoui vipis
      ~KLV~~TO~S xp~piu~ xdhis Kpciucrov imlv 4 uahijs ?~ovurv ~K~POLS.

    1. TOGTO 6' iv8;Xcrai 8~~~5s K.T.~.
      Refers back to the vords si, KUX~S Kridar TO~S vdpov~ ob ~pu~vouu~v,
      :he clause :UT[ yhp... KE[~&O~S being a parenthesis.

    1. 4 ycip rois dpLrois K.T.~.
      SC. Pun aci8ruBar.

    1. iv piv oh rais nhchars n64fur rb rGs HohTdas rb Kahfirar.
      Sc. voh~t~iil. Preserving the play of xvords and supplying
      aohircia xith KnhsiraL from TI~S Irohrrrlns, we may translate, ' in mor1
      cities the form of the constitution is called constitutional.' Bui
      are there ' many' such governments? Cp. supra c. 7. 8 I ; infra
      c. 11. 8 19. For the answer to this question see Essay on the $uri
      vohtrda, &c.

    1. pdvov ylip i) pi51s.
      ' It is called by a neutral name, e.g. a constitution or common-
      wealth, for it is a mixture which aims only at uniting the freedon'

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