(Wang) #1


quiring it.'
correct, we can only guess, as we have no independent knowledge
of the procedure mentioned. The latter is the mode of taking
them adopted by AIiiller (Dorians, iii. 9. Q 6) ; but the use of f~~la[,
simply in the sense of an assembly, and not as a proper name, and
therefore its construction with rGu iu r4 rohrro6parr is doubtful.
Either I)* the ruling class ; or better 2 j
the governing body. The two meanings cannot always be clear]!
distinguished. Compare
also iii. 7. § 2, id %i rrohrrriu pdr ~a'r IroXirtupa qpalurc rahh, ?ioi,-
rtvpa 8' iori rd r6prou r&u rdAcou, and infra v. 8. Q 5, sot :& r;r
rrohtrtiar rai rois iu r+ noAirc6par1, which show that the two mean.
ings of sohircupo, as of RoXtrria, like the two senses of the English
word ' government' or ' state,' pass into one another. The genitive
is partitive.
$V is omitted in several MSS. and is not
confirmed by iii. 16. $ I, (... mXXoi roto;crru Zva r6prov rts 6roi-
K<UfQIS' roia6rq yhp 6pxi ris Lmr mi scpi 'ErOapvou) where Aristotie
speaks of the single Archon at Epidamnus, not in the past, but in
the present tense. Yet it is not impossible that he may have
spoken of an office which had recently existed at Epidamnus, first,
in the present, and afterwards, more correctly, in the past tense.

Which of the two modes of translating the passage

T~U iv r@ rohtrc;pa?t.

Cp. c. 6. Q 11 ; iv. 6. Q g and v. 4. Q 2.

6 Zpx~ 6 ct +.

I. I I. ravraxoc y&p ad rd o*uroov 4 ardors. 02 p;lv rois bvluors trrdpxcc
dvdXoyo~ dS81or yip BaoiXria du~cros, t&w $ f'u Lots. 0"Xos yhp rb hv
[qi'oikfr maoid&ouuw.
06 pi. ,.. ZUOIE is a parenthetical explanation of the word hmv.
I) ' Certainly to unequals there is no proportion.' According to
this way of taking the passage du&byou is the nom. to trrh~~fr,
2) Others supply rb Zuioou from the preceding sentence (SC. hrhfL
&iAoyou). ' *I mean the inequality in which there is no proportion:
This is illustrated by an example. 3) Others again connect 6vdWoU
with roir &viuors. ' Not that real inequality exists among those who
are only proportionately unequal.' According to any explanation the
connexion is harsh : and therefore there is some reason for suspect-
ing that a marginal note has crept into the text.

    1. The punctuation of Bekker, who places a comma after 76

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