(Wang) #1
4 9, d +OS akws yfvlprvos rj~. VL'K~IS.
are also the elements of danger.

The elements of strength

    1. 6ri piv ydp i&mar$uuvrts... Z~XOVULY air& K.T.X.
      I. e. when fraud is succeeded by force or the old fraud by a nea
      one. To take an example from Modern History, as the president,.
      of Louis Napoleon was succeeded by the COZ@ d'c'tnf, and endefl in
      the ple'bt'sct'fe by which he was made Emperor of the French ; or as
      in ancient history the tyranny of Gelo and Hiero was acquiesceci In
      after a time by their Syracusan subjects.

    1. otv ini riv rtrpaxouiov rbv Bijpov i&ra'r~uav, $a'uKOvrts rlv flow&
      XpGpara mpi&rv.
      Cp. Thuc. viii. 53, where Peisander demonstrates to the ilthenian
      assembly that their only hope lap in the alliance of the Persian

    1. $,tvuhptuoi.
      ' Having once told the lie ' which, it is inferred, ws detected,

    1. Kni iV 'P66fp' pru.do$opdv rE yhp oi 6qpayoyoi &dpl~ov, KQ; &&hl'Ov
      rino8r8dvnr rb d$fmXdpcva rois T~L~~~~XOLS' oi 61 8th rhs &rr+cpopivns Sinor

' The demagogues gained influence over the assembly by procurin;
pay for them : [probably they obtained the money for this purpse
by not paying the trierarchs]. These were sued by their sailors or
other creditors, and, not having been paid themselves, were unable
to pay others; so in self-defence they overthrew the government.'
Such appears to be the meaning of this passage! a little amplified,
on which no light is thrown from other sources.
The revolution here mentioned would seem to be the same
that which has been already referred to, supra, c. 3. 4 4. The
words 8th rbs inr$cpopiuar Biras occur in both passages.

$V~yKdUd~cTUV UVUTdVTfS KaraXCUllL TbV 6qpOV.

    1. uatth66q %; uai iv 'Hpadc;q d Bijpos.
      Probably the Heraclea of Pontus founded by the Megarians In
      The poems of Theognis imply that already in the sixih

B.C. 559.
century B.C. a democratical party existed in the mother-city.
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