(Wang) #1
:VOTES, BOOK 1'. 6. 201

tazes of local knowledge and of local interests have to be placed in
[lit. scale. We may conclude that in so far as the political life of
a country is affected by the area of representation, it should not be
10 estended as to interfere with the power of common action ; nor
>O localized that the members of the national assembly cease any
longer to think in the first place of great national interests.

n; 6' dhtyopxiar pcTa,5dXXauui 6rd 860 pdXtma TP~ITOUS TOGS +avrpo- 6. I, 2.
&oVS... ?Xfl 6: Kai 4 25 &kXoV dpX$ UT(iOfOE 8lfl$opds.
According to C. 1. $ I 6, iu p& yip .inis 6XiynpXiais iyy;vovrai 660, + Te
rpbs dXXiXous rrduis kal ZTL $ rph TAU &jpu there are two modes of
rcvolurions in oligarchies,- I) That arising from dissensions among
:he oligarchs themselves ; 2) that arising from dissensions between
thc oligarchs and the people. The order of the two is reversed in this
passage. The first which is here the second is generalized into ' that
nrising from those outside the governing body' (4 E'.$ ~'hhwu, 5 2), under
nliich four cases are included (see Introduction). To bn pEIv (8 I) cor-
responds grammatically pdXiura %, which introduces one of the cases
of mduis arising 24 dhXwv although the leader comes ;E ahjs T~S dXiyap-
~h. The other mode of revolution from within is discussed at the end
Or$ j KLvo~vTnl 62 K.T.X., with which the second main division begins.

t'v Sh& .iiySapiv. 6. I.
For a silly story about a bargain over zome fish n hich is said to
have been the origin of the revolt led by Lygdamis at Naxos, see
-1thenaeus viii. 348 Tvho derives it from the NaEiwv aoXirch in the
so-ca!led Polities' of rlristotle.

z,yfL Si KCI~ 4 Zf aXXwv Zpx$ urdurus Gia$op&.
Goettling n.ould interpret dh~ov as=n"XXuu

    1. roc nhjdous which
      16 harsh. The conjectures a;s;iv and dXXiXw seem, at first sight, to
      simplify the passage, as everything from pihiura 8' in I onwards
      "auld then apply to the same mode of uTdm (4 iE nCrGu): but
      Aristotle in^2 expressly distinguishes the rfiwopor who are not
      in the government from the oligarchs, and therefore a revolution
      begun by them could not be described as arising AXXiXov or
      ;.$ atriv.

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