(Wang) #1
iVOTES, BQOK V. 6. 20.3
]!aye been the qualification for an office of which the election was
in the hands of the people is remarkable (see note on $ 13 infra).


m'i BHOU rh 8rKaur$pta p$ & 70; ?rohaLprJs iurru. B~payay&~fs ykp 6. 7.
r,l~r rhs Kphs prrai3iXXouui rjv aoXrrciav.
Compare ii. 12. § 3, where Solon is said to have established the
(ienlocracy by appointing the courts of law from the whole people.

yivourar 82 para/3ohai rjs dhiynpxias Kai kav civaXwuour ~h 8ta (&was 6. 8.

So Plat. Rep. viii. 555 D.

Hipparinus, the father of Dion, was the chief supporter of 8.8.

Compare also infra c. 12. 0 I 7.

Dionysius (Plut. Dio c. 3), who married his daughter.

Ka\r E'V Aiyivg d rdv 7ipC(iv rr)v ~pbr Xdpqrn npdtas Zvc,&quf pfra- 0. 9.
BohcLv r+ vohdav.
Probably the well-known general Chares who flourished between
367-333 is here intended, He was a man who, in spite of his
disreputable character, contrived by corruption to maintain a great
influence over the Athenian people in the decline of their glory.
Of the transaction here referred to nothing more is known.

8th TOLbLkqV airt'nv, 6. 9.
SC. 61h 7;) Jvahiuar rh ZGtn rois ttadpovs &mx doahyir.

6rl p2v O:V inrXcrpoJui rr Krvciv, &2 62 K~&OVUl d KWd. 88cv vpbs 0. 9.
P.~TO&S orauid[ovurv 9 ohoi 4 oi apdr ToLrovs poxdptvor Kh;rrrovras.
u;roirs='the government, or the other oligarchs, from whom the
theft is made.'
ohi='the thieves or peculators,' The revolution arises in two
ws, from the attack either of the thieves upon the government,
Or of the government upon the thieves.

6poiav r; riv iv AaKf6aipOvi yrprivrov.
I. e. the election of the Elean elders, besides being an election
out of certain families (BuvamcvIimjv), resembled that of the Lace-
daemonian elders who were chosen but ' in a ridiculous fashion ' by
the whole people.

See ii. 9. 9 27'
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