(Wang) #1
SOTES, BOOK V. 7. 205
Iyith Thebes may suggest that this is the Heraclea not in Pontus,
bur in Trachis. Cp. note on c. 5. $ 3.

+XovciKqunv aAro;s. 6. 15.
Const. preg. =#xXouciKo3urcs i6imou. The infinitive M+ni helps
Ihe construction of air&, ' They carried their party spirit against
ttm~i so far.'

&h rd Zyau 8emorwhs sbnc 7;s clXiyap$as,.. 4 ;u X[y LXiynpXia.
The Chians in the later years of the Peloponnesian War were
;olc.rned by an oligarchy: cp. Thuc. viii. 14. The islmd was
rccoiered by Athens under the Sxond Empire, but again revoltcd
in the year 458. The popu!ntion is said to have been largely com-
imed of mercliant-seamen, supra, iv. 4. $ PI.

r;ahiKis yhp 16 lax& +TOV dpqpa... rais p;uovs 6. '7.
is an accusativus pendens; 'Often when there has been a certain
qudification fixed at first... the same property increases to many
iinies the original value,' etc.

ob pIvror 6rh ra6rbv dXiyoi. 7. I.
The exclusiveness of aristocracy and oligarchy is equally the
ruin of both, though arising in the one case from the fewness of
men of virtue and good manners, in the other from the fewness of
mcn of wealth and birth.

napBfviai (;K TGV dpoiov yhp $mu).
According to the legend the Partheniae were the progeny of
Spartan nomen and of certain slaves or citizens of Sparta called
~~&~KTo~. They had in some way incurred the reproach of ille-
gitimacy or inferiority. The fertile imagination of ancient writers,
who n.ere clearly as ignorant as ourselves, has devised several ex-
Planations of the name: they were the children of Spartans who
remained at home during the hlessenian war and were made
Helots (Antiochus of Syracuse, fr. 14 Muller Fr. Hist. Gr. VO~. i.
P. 184); or of Helots who married the widows of those who had
in the war (Theop. fr. 190 Muller i. p. 310); or of the
youngest of the army \Tho had not taken the oath to remain until

  1. a.

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