(Wang) #1

iv eowplots. Thurii \vas founded in the year 443 under the pro-
tection of -4thens: and had nearly ceased to exist in 390. yet in
this short time it was subjected to at Ienst two serious revolu:ic,li.,
I) that which is mentioned here from an oligarchical aristocr2cr
into a d mocracy; 2) ano:her revolution, noted infra $ 12, I,,,.
which it L assed from a polity into an oligarchy of a few fxni]i\..,
whether earlier or later than the preceding, is unknown. It mn! I)?
conjectured, but it is only a conjecture, that the narrowing of illi
aristocracy briefly alluded to in this passage is the same chany
with that n-hich is afterwards mentioned more fully in $ 12, ani]
their overthron which ensued may be further identified with the
expulsion of the Sybarites soon after the foundation of the e::!.
It may also be conjectured with considerable probability that the
govcrnmcnt of Thurii became an oligarchy at the time when tlic
Athenian citizens were driven out, after the failure of the Syracusin

    1. 6'; piv yip ri) Ir'hciouos ripiparos 2var T~S dpxis EIS &mov
      PET@? KU> 6;s dpxcia nhclo, 6rlt 62 rb riv ~Bpau 8Avv robs yuopi'porr my.

Lit. For because the qualification for office was high and also
because the whole country was monopolized by the notables con-
trary to law, the qualification was reduced and the number of
offices increased.' Either the apodosis which is attached to the
first member of the sentence belongs also to the second; or 5
clause answering to the second has been forgotten. The revolution
nt Thurii was a change from aristocracy or polity to democrat!'.
The government had grown narrow and oligarchical, and the
governing class had contrived to get the land into their own hands.
But the people rose against the oligarchy, lowered the qualification,
increased the number of offices, and got back the land. TW
reasons are given for the rising of the people, I) the increase of the
qualification for office, and 2) the monopoly of land which had
passed into the hands of the notables.
For cis +xcL n'hcio, cp. ii. 11. $ 14. GuB 8now pi p~~ph &PJ$P
aoXbrm&cpov nktiovas pErlxcrv ri)u dpxtv, Kai GqporrK&cpov' worvhpdv 76
ydp, KCl6drrfp f?iTopfY, Kai Kdhhrov ~Kaurov cinor€'hXrirar r;v ah% Kai 8ifloV'

Krljnnu0ur rnpL 71v vlpov.
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