(Wang) #1
iYOTES, 800K V. 10. 2IY
hrrhibre~s) the enemy of Perdiccas, as he \vas afterwards the encmy
of .irChe1aus, see Thuc. iv. 79. Of Sirra, which appears to be the
n.in,e of a woman, nothing more is known. The occurrence of the
nalIle in this passage has suggested a very ingenious emendation in
i!ie ,yards of Strabo, bk. viii. C. 7. p. 327, 6 (Echimrnu p<rqp roc '.+innu
1;PL,~;K7E "I;,& 62 Buydrqp whcre read ~6p~6i~p Xipya 62 @vydr?p.

  1. IS.
    \vas assassinated in 358 B. c. by the brotliers Heraclides
    2nd Parrhon called also Python, Dem. c. Aristocr. p. 659. According
    ?!ut. Adv. Coloten 32 and Diog. Laert. iii. 31 they had been
    Ciisipks of Plato.

    1. mhhol 62 KCL~ 6~h rb cis rb uipa aiKdijvaL xXpyais hp)ruBc'vrrs oi p2v
      fi,;p;thlpav ol 6' ivcxcipqoav hs ;/3pruBCvrfr, KCL~ rhv mpi rbs +x;Ls Kai
      ,?IIULhlKhS Fuvaurrias.
      The first Ka'r means that attempts were also made in con-
      wqucnce of personal ill-treatment of another sort, and the second
      xni ihat they were made not only upon tyrants, but upon magi-
      itrates and royal personages.
      In this passage, though speaking primarily of tyrannies, Aris-
      iotle digresses into monarchies generally and oligarchies.
      ivqfipquav, SC. %ia+Bcc'pcrv.

1: was Penthilus, the son of Orestes, who according LO Strabo,
bfi. ix. p. 403. xiii. p. 582, and Pausanias iii. 2. p. 207 recolonized
Lesbos. The Penthalidae derived their name from him.

See also note on Text.


6 8' ECprrri8qs ;XaX&iabvcv cirduros TL abro; cis Guuo8iav TO; urdparor.
This story, which casts a rather unfavourable light on the
character of Euripides, is alluded to in Stobaeus, Serm. 39. p. 237,
Eiplrrih?s bvcibi<ovror air? rwbs ~nrt rb ur+a GuuirSfs iu, aohhh ydp,
fTTfv ah+, dndjjqra ;prr~dV, i. e. Some one said to Euripides,
' Yes: he replied, ' for many things which
not be spoken have been decomposed in my mouth.'

breath smells.'

'UT KaL rep) r~s aoiLreias Kai rhs povapxlas. 10.21.
must supply n~pl in thought before povnpxias. It is inserted
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