(Wang) #1
have gone to the Court of the Areopagus intending to defend him.
self against a charge of homicide, but his accuser did not appear.

12.3. Cypselidae.
The addition in this passage appears to be incorrect.
Cypselus 30 years.
Periander 44 ,,
Psammetichus 3 ,,


From these numbers how does Aristotle get a total 734 years!
Sylburg would change rph wal @'56op{woma into id wal ip80ji$-
Kovra. Giphanius would omit Kd rirsapa after TfTTOpIiKOMO. Sw-
mihl would change rirrnpa into +mu, which would give exactly
the sum wanted. Goettling has a very farfetched and groundless
supposition that the reign of Psammetichus was omitted by
Aristotle in the addition, because he was only a commander of
mercenaries and not of Cypselid blood. It might also be sug-
gested that some of the reigns overlap in consequence of R
tyrant adopting his successor as colleague. But a mistake either
of Aristotle or his copyists is more likely.
A11 the RISS. read rc'rrapa or riuuapa.

  1. j. sprhwoma wal &mr.
    Hdt. v. 65 makes the Peisistratidae rule Athens j6 yearj.
    Peisistratus seized the sovereignty in 560 B.C. and died in 527.
    he reigned I 7 years out of the 33. Hippias reigned 11 ymj
    before the death of Hipparchus (514)~ and in the year 510,
    four years afterwards, he was expelled. 17 + 14 + 4 = 3 j.
    The whole period 560-510 is 50 years, 35 of actual rule.
    In the calculation of Herodotus there is a year more. From
    Thuc. vi. 54 we learn that even at Athens not IOO years after
    the event, there were erroneous ideas about the expulsion of the

12.6. Here the addition is correct. 7 +IO+ I = 18, although the
time assigned to Hiero's reign doe:. not agree with the statm1lt
of Diodorus (xi. 66) that he reigned IX years. But mhy dors

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