(Wang) #1


development of the Platonic cycle, and it is natural to ask ‘jyh,.
does not the cycle continue or return into itself?‘) The meaniRg
may then be paraphrased as follows : ‘He never says whether
might be espected) tyranny, like other forms of government,
experiences a change, or if not, what is the explanation of [hi..
inconsistency? ’

    1. rj XapiXdou.
      According to Heraclidea Ponticus (fr. z hIuller) Charillus.
      the name is also spelt in ii. 10. $ 2, or Charilaus, as here,
      made himself tyrant during the absence of Lycurgus, who on hi.;
      return to Sparta restored or introduced good order. The chanp
      which he thcn effected in the constitution of Sparta is called liy
      Aristotle, who appears to follow the same tradition, a changc
      from tyranny to aristocracy.

  1. I 2. tv Kapxr$kh.
    SC. rupavvis pfriBaXcv FIs ripiuroKpariav. Yet he says in Book ii
    c. 11. $ z -‘that Carthage has neve1 had a sedition worh
    spcaking of, nor been under a tyrant,’ and a similar statemcnt
    occurs in this chapter ($ 14). Cp. also vi. 5, $ 9, T(11O~TOV 6d TUG
    TpdTOV I<ll,OXq86VlOl TlJ~lrflJd~fUOl #lxOU K;KT?)VTUl 7bV 8GpOV‘ de; ydp TlY5E
    ~KH;/LTOVTfS 706 A{pOU TPpbE ThS TfplOlK&S TOLO6UlV &dpouS K.T.X. To
    avoid this apparent contradiction St. Hilaire conjectures XahK?)GdvL,
    a useless emendation of which there can be neither proof nor
    disproof; for we know nothing of the history of Chalcedon and
    not much of the history of Carthage.
    It might be argued that the text as it stands may refer to a
    time in the history of Carthage dflofore the establishment of the
    aristocratical constitution described in Bk. ii, c. 11, as he says in
    this very passage of Lacedaemon, 5 I 2, that it passed from tyranny
    into aristocracy. But such’a violent supposition is hardly to be
    assumed in order to save Aristotle’s consistency. 14 infra, he
    calls Carthage a democracy. In ii. 11. $ 5, he talks of it as
    having a democratic element.


  1. I j. &orow^62 mi r~ +ai &o n-oxcis tfvar riw dXiyapXixjv, IrAovoiop *ai

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