(Wang) #1
that which is ascribed to Osylus the evil has already sprung up,
we should correct it by the law of the hphytaeans.’
The object aimed at was to maintain or to preserve a large
number of small proprietors who were freemen. This was effected
at Aphytis by dividing the lots into small portions, each of which
gave a qualification for citizenship, so that every one, however
poor, was included: e.g. suppose a citizen of Aphytis to have
possessed fifty acres, and that forty of these were seized by the
usurer, still the remaining ten were sufficient to preserve his rights
of citizenship. Or, more generally, ‘ though the properties were
often larger, the portion of land required for a qualification vas
It has been thought to
mean that ‘even the small proprietors exceeded in number some
other class, i.e. the rich or the inhabitants of the town,’ Oi* beiter
‘ they exceeded the amount required.’
Aphytis was a city in Pallene, which, according to Heraclides
Ponticus, fr. 39, hluller: vol. ii. p. zz;, bore an excellent character
for honesty among Hellenic cities. ACKUIWE KU; uo#~pdwws PioSuiv Kd
~.ihXorph~ ot 8ryydvovurv dvcy+vov ri~ Bvpiv. Then follows the
story of the stranger who bought wine and entrusted it to no one,
but on returning after a voyage found it in the same place.


The meaning of LncpPdXhcrv is doubtful.

    1. T& TpbS TdS 7TOXfplKhE ?T{>d[<lS.
      Not to be taken after ycyupvuup!var; nor is it necessary witti
      some editors to bracket TU. Translate, ‘and as regards military
      actions, their mode of life is an excellent training for them.’ Com.
      pare Alexander’s speech to his army, made a few months before
      his death, 323 B.c., recorded by Arrian, Exped. I-\lexandri, vii. 9,
      in which he contrasts the Oriental luxury of his ilIacedonian
      soldiers with their former life as mountain shepherds.
      The pastoral democracies of the Swiss mountains have been
      among the most lasting democracies in the world, and they haye
      also furnished some of the best soldiers.

  1. I 5, hroptvop 6ri trapcq!3aivw,
    sc. I& ;Ahas. ‘ The other sorts must deviate in a corresponding

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