(Wang) #1

;~'OTES, BOOK vr. 8. 249

  1. Ir.

sib ~;~riov iini ra6rpu xopi&v, KO; TZ, od+ropa {prriu Kai rrp> 8. 12.
&+tupa, the suitable or appropriate device.' The correction
ud+rupa, which is supported by the espression C'&U pi rt uo+L[aurar
(ji, 5. $ IS), is unnecessary and feeble. Such an idiomatic use
of the article is not unknown in English: e. g. to find out the
,yay' or 'the proper way of making the office less unpopular.'
~d mp'l ruGrqu, sc. 71). @uh;rrouuav. 'About this as w~cll as
the last case!' i. e. the case of the jailor and the executioner, as
wll as of the judge and the executioner.
roinhr 6' e'Ew a; rc mp'l T+ @UXUK+U rijs duos, ~d &ai rrirrousa~ 8. r4.
apix rris dfpriihc ,&as.
The optative here would seem to require du, which is inserted
by Bekker in his second edition, or ctv may be altered into
Ti) 6€ %6U & 71 TO6TWV IUTb f%OS &7lp€XfLhS 7TOXfpLK&U,
The order of the words is rb 6i & rf8os roirou iur'cu Tu ri fh
Bekker, in his 2nd cdition (after Lambinus),

imprX& TOXfpiK&U.
reads f'mp&ia; a change xhich is unnecessary.
Kn; rrpooru0uvotoav.
I And which in addition audits them.'

6 yrip adri noXX&iiis Zxfi ri) TAOS ~a'r r+ ~io+opdv.
The connexion proves that the latter words can only mean

' the final ratification and the introduction of measures.'
Ixop&q 8; rairps ri rpi)s rhs Buuias d+optop;q rris Korvbs rduas, has 8. 20.
pi ruis irprCurv dnoai6wuru 6 vdpos, dXh' drri, res Koruijs briar ZXOUUL r+u
Either I)* the words dKc;vOls &OC, or 2) ai Buuiar must be supplied

Aristotle is opposing the priests, who perform the ordinary sacri-
fices assigned to then1 by law, to the great officers of state, who
offer sacrifice at the public hearth of the city.

before T~o,,,.

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