(Wang) #1


    1. Kai TO~W.
      sdhcov, if genuine, is a difficult word. It may be taken in the
      sense of ' ports like the Piraeus ' * ; or closely connected with it-
      p&~v of 'cities in relation to their harbours,' cp. supra, c. 9. $3. But
      neither of these explanations is satisfactory. The word has been
      bracketed by Bekker in his second edition and is probably corrupt.
      The conjectural emendations Cnrvchu (Coraes), +ropiou (Schmidt),
      acpmohlov (Broughton) are not fortunate; sXohv might also be
      suggested (cp. supra, $ 6). But it is more probable that some
      words have been accidentally transposed and that we should read
      xrpi piu otu xL;pas xai xdXcou [or ndhcos] Kai hiphwu K.T.X. or, ncpi p;u
      ofiw nnicou [or ndhcos] xai Xipas K.T.~.

    1. piu b rois J'uxpo;~ rdnor5 FBvq ai rh mpi T$U EGPLJTV.
      According to Aristotle it would seem that Europe includes the
      colder, that is, the Northern parts of Europe and excludes Hellas.
      The words xai rh n~pi riu E~pixqu are explanatory of rci Cu roir
      +vxpois r6xots 8uq. Compare the Hymn to Apollo 1. 290 :
      ip2u dnot ITchondvuquuv aicrpau ;xnuuiu,
      48' duor EipLnqv ra xai dp$rp&ac KRT~ Y~UOVS,
      in which a similar notion of Europe is implied.
      Plato too was no stranger to speculations about race. Cp. Lnw
      V. 747 D, ~761 ?OS8 Xnv6aviro Tfpi T~TWU, LS O&K ciniv dhhot
      rids Gia$ipnvrrs 3.hov rdnou apbs si, yavviiv dv6pAnnvs (IpLcIvoi's KO;
      x<ipovs: and Rep. iv. 435 E, rb Bupnrdis... oTou oi KUT& riu ep+P
      TP Kai xKU6LK;)Y Kai OX€66U TL KaTh TbU a"Uw r6nOU, $ 76 t$rXopa6ls, 6
      rbv nap' {piu pdhrur' n'u Tis airrduatro rdnou, ij rb $tXnXp+arov, E, aspi
      robs rc GoiurKas cLat xai rois Karh ~Zyvmov daiq rts BY o;x firma. Cp.
      also Herod. ix. 122, $ihicru yhp C'K ri)u paXaKLu xipou paXaKoAs ;v@as
      yivcu6ar. 0; ydp Tor r+ air+ yip rLat rapadu re BwpauTbu $6fLu
      &+as dya6oAs rci anXkpta: and iii. 106, 4 'EhXhs rcis &pas aohXdv rr
      rtihXtura rrrpqpiuas Zxct. So Plat. Tim. 24 C, 4 &is... C'x~&/k
      TAV rhov iu y' ycykvrjuBa (viz. Hellas), r$v aixpaoiav ri)v LpSv f'v alr4
      rmr8oGoa, o"rt +pnvyor&ovs Zv8pas oboc.

    1. pi& rvyxduou xohtsaias.

governed the world.

Could Hellas have been united in a federation, she might have
But the individuality of Greek cities was to@
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