(Wang) #1


character of states is given to them by the degrees of happiness
which they attain. Here as in other passages (cp. c. 9. $ z infra),
when speaking of the perfect state, he occasionally goes back to
the imperfect forms.

    1. ripcrjs ;vipycta Kai xpicr~s.
      Cp. the more complete statement of the Nic. Eth. i. 7. $$ 14-16,
      +wxjs ive‘pycta Kar’ dpcrjv ripioqv dv /3i rcXcip

8, 6, i7rLUKfiTi~ObY 6; Kai Bdaa ra%’ iUTb fV &€lJ TO’XLS OdK bW E?q.
‘Besides considering the highest good of the state or the idea of
the state in its highest terms (gathered from the previous section)
we must also consider the indispensable conditions of it, and among
them we shall find its parts.’ All the parts are conditions of a
state, not all the conditions are parts; e.g. the 6jTfS are a con-
dition but not a part ; ri, /3ouXrudpcvov both a condition and a part.

    1. T~~TTOV 8; KQ~ spfrov.
      ‘ First,’ i. e. in honour, not in necessity, for that place he assigns
      to the sixth class.
      Spengel would omit ~d T~&OV. But how could the insertion of
      such a clause ever be explained, unless it had been put in by the
      piety of a Greek monk?
      The formula $J
      KQXOCUW seems to imply some technical or uncommon use of the
      word, which occurs nowhere else in classical Greek, cp. 4v K~XOL.~
      rcvcs dhyapxyiuv, vi. 1. $ 6.
      ~Krov 6; r~v bprepdv.
      The last words are pleonastic, ‘ sixth in numerical succession.’
      The conjecture of Lambinus T;V GLKQ~UV taken from TLV UL~P$~-
      pdv~~ KQ~ T~V 6rKa;ov above, $ 7, has been adopted in the test.
      But the reading of the AISS. T& riv~y~ai~, ‘of necessary mattes
      of life,’ is really defensible and is confirmed by the word dv~y~ard-
      rarov in 4 7. Bvaydov may also refer to punishments: see infra
      c. 13. $ 6.

4v KdoGurv Icparciav, ‘which they call ritual.’

g. I, 2. OAK iv rciq^62 &TO sohrcia.
‘This question, however, does not arise in every state, for it is

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