(Wang) #1
iVOTES, BOOK VIZ. 13. 279
ditions of existence, and so to a certain estent, but to a certain
extent only (ihdrrovos rois dpavov ~L~KCL~E'YOLS), the legislator may
make his citizens superior to external conditions. Cp. Nic. Eth.
i. CC. 9-12.

ic'r 62 rb spottciptvdv ~'UTL rtjv dpiorqv n-ohrrtLiv &iv, n;nl 6' 2071 K~B' 13. 4.
+V 2p~ur' Bv Irohrrriioiro B~XLS, Zptaa 6' hv rohminrro xnd' {v &Gnrpovciv
pdX~ura iv%&crar r{v nol~v, GjXov OOrL riv r3arpovinr &i, ri &mi, pi
The connexion is as follows: 'In various ways men mistake
the nature of happiness, but me recognise it to be the great object
of a state, and therefore we should ascerbin its nature.'

+p'iv ad Kal ;v rots i)eLKois, f; TL Tiv A+,,V ilteivwv os.
It is difficult to say why Aristotle should speak thus doubtfully
or depreciatingly of a principle which lies at the basis both of his
ethical and political philosophy. Is the expression to be attributeti
only to the Greek love of qualiiying language?

  1. j.

Kai raiirqv o;K ;E 6roec'ufos 2~' ~~xGS.
These words are not found in the Nicomachean Ethics (sec
references in note on text), and therefore may be supposed to be
added by Aristotle as an explanation.

  1. j.

h&/W 6' ;[ dHO&€US.
' Happiness is an absolute good, vhereas punishments are only
good under certain conditions ;' they are evils which prevent
greater evils, The negative and the positive senses of the word
' just,'-just punishments, just actions,-needed to be distinguished
in the beginning of philosophy.

  1. 5, 6.

o?ov rh repi rhs &alas spdErrs ai Binaiai ripwph KOA~UCLS d~' 13. 6.
ciprrjs p& rb, dvayKaiat 82, ai d ~ahi~ civayxaios ~(XOUULV (aipd-
repov piv yhp pl&vbs 6eiuBaL riv TOLO~~TOV p$rr rbv dv8pa p$r~ njv rrdhtv),
ai 6' id rhs r~phs ~al rhs ~;n-oplas drriis rid ~dhhi~ra~ Irpd&rs.
'They have their rightness, not as ends, but as means or con-
ditions of something else which is an end.' For the use of
dvayraiav, cp. Nic. Eth. x. 6. $ 2, rcb 6' r'vcpyrriv ai plv rbrv o'vayrahr
eai 81' krpa aiprrai, ai 82 K~B aimis.

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