iVOTES, BOOK VIZ. 13. 279
ditions of existence, and so to a certain estent, but to a certain
extent only (ihdrrovos rois dpavov ~L~KCL~E'YOLS), the legislator may
make his citizens superior to external conditions. Cp. Nic. Eth.
i. CC. 9-12.
ic'r 62 rb spottciptvdv ~'UTL rtjv dpiorqv n-ohrrtLiv &iv, n;nl 6' 2071 K~B' 13. 4.
+V 2p~ur' Bv Irohrrriioiro B~XLS, Zptaa 6' hv rohminrro xnd' {v &Gnrpovciv
pdX~ura iv%&crar r{v nol~v, GjXov OOrL riv r3arpovinr &i, ri &mi, pi
The connexion is as follows: 'In various ways men mistake
the nature of happiness, but me recognise it to be the great object
of a state, and therefore we should ascerbin its nature.'
+p'iv ad Kal ;v rots i)eLKois, f; TL Tiv A+,,V ilteivwv os.
It is difficult to say why Aristotle should speak thus doubtfully
or depreciatingly of a principle which lies at the basis both of his
ethical and political philosophy. Is the expression to be attributeti
only to the Greek love of qualiiying language?
- j.
Kai raiirqv o;K ;E 6roec'ufos 2~' ~~xGS.
These words are not found in the Nicomachean Ethics (sec
references in note on text), and therefore may be supposed to be
added by Aristotle as an explanation.
- j.
h&/W 6' ;[ dHO&€US.
' Happiness is an absolute good, vhereas punishments are only
good under certain conditions ;' they are evils which prevent
greater evils, The negative and the positive senses of the word
' just,'-just punishments, just actions,-needed to be distinguished
in the beginning of philosophy.
- 5, 6.
o?ov rh repi rhs &alas spdErrs ai Binaiai ripwph KOA~UCLS d~' 13. 6.
ciprrjs p& rb, dvayKaiat 82, ai d ~ahi~ civayxaios ~(XOUULV (aipd-
repov piv yhp pl&vbs 6eiuBaL riv TOLO~~TOV p$rr rbv dv8pa p$r~ njv rrdhtv),
ai 6' id rhs r~phs ~al rhs ~;n-oplas drriis rid ~dhhi~ra~ Irpd&rs.
'They have their rightness, not as ends, but as means or con-
ditions of something else which is an end.' For the use of
dvayraiav, cp. Nic. Eth. x. 6. $ 2, rcb 6' r'vcpyrriv ai plv rbrv o'vayrahr
eai 81' krpa aiprrai, ai 82 K~B aimis.