(Wang) #1

246, 2j6, ~ji), 280, 284, 287, 290,
Sybaris, foundation and destruction
of, 192.
Sylhur::. 230.
Syracuse,revolutions at, 190,193:-
Aristotle's statements respecting
the constitutional changes at,
after the defeat of the Sicilian ex-
pedition, not in accord with
Ihucydides, 197 :-the 'time
when the Syracusans were well
governed,' 222.

293: 301.


Tacitus, quoted (Ann. i. 3), 127 ;
(ib. si. z4), 209.
Tarentum 52, 245 ; changes of
government at, 190 :-defeatofthe
Tnrentines by the Iapygians, 190.
Teichmiiller, 2 jp.
Telecles, the hlilesian. 173.
Thnles, the philosopher, 37 :-(pro-
1i;hIy) the Cretan poet, 102.
Thc:ijienes, of Alegara, 199.
Thcbnn history, Xristotie imper-
fectly acquainted with, ~04.
Thcniistocles, ostracism of, 137.
Theodectes, 21.
Tlieodorus, the actor. 291.
Tlieognis, qunted. (535), 18 ; (IO~I),
265 ; a line cited (2271, which is
also found in Solon, 27.
Theophrastus, quoted, (Hist. Plant.
i. 2. 4 3), 39.
Theopompus, King of Sparta, 78,
Thibron, 283.
Thomas Aquinas. 276.
Thrasybulus, brother of Hiero, 222.
Thras)-ti;ieus, the Eunuch who as-
sassinated Evagoras. 218.
Thucydides, quoted for the exist-
ence of village cominunities in
ancient Hellas, j ; his use of the
antithesis of ho'yos and ;pynv, 15 ;
his account of the Lesbian War
not inconsistent with that of
Aristotle, 195 :-quoted, (i. IS),
231 ; (ib. 771, 106 ; (ib. I~I), 84;
(ib. 137), 66 ; (ii. zo), 272 ; (ib.
371, I45 ; (ib. 39), 283 ; (ib. 401,
130, 167 ; (ib. 451, 118 : (ib. 601,
212 : (iii. 37), 76, 163.

Thurii, foundation of, 74 : revoiu.
Thurot, 164.
Timoleon, 204.
Tiniophanes, the brother of Timo-
leon, 204.
Topics, quoted, (Ioj b. 30), 133.
Troezenians, oracle given to the,
Tyrtaeus, quoted, (fr. 3), 224.

tions at, 192, 207.

Vnited States, the, double election
of the senate in, 66.
Usury, why condemned by Aris-
totle, 30 ;-Usury Laws, how f'tr
justified, 34.
Victorius, 159, 177, 224. 295.
Village, the, a colony of the family,
Village Communities, 44 ; survital
Vitruvius, quoted, 273, 276.

5, 6.
of, in Hellas, j.

U'allace, %I., quoted (LRussia'), 5.
1l~illiam of AIoerbeke, 5, 8, 13, 26,
167, 180, 204, 224, 235, 257, 254,
257, 266, 2711 293, 2941 295, 299,

29, 42, 52, 76, 96, 124, 159, 164.

Xenophanes, quoted, 155.
Xeno hon quoted, (Cyropaedia, vi;.

  1. (73),'18 ; (Hellen. i. 6. $ Iqi,
    21 ; (vi. 5. 5 z8), 81 ; (Hiero, c. 9.
    4 j), 211 ; iMemorab. i. 2.9 9), 45 ;
    (iii.4. 9 I2), 2 ; (ib. 6. 3 IO), 141 ;
    (Oec.,c. 9. 4 41,273 ; (Resp. Lac.
    c. 6. 9s I, 3, 41, 53.
    Xerxes, 220.

Zaleucus, affirmed by Ephorus to
have fixed by law the penalties of
crimes, 102 : a saying of, quoted,
103 ; the fragments of his laws
in Stobaeus and Diodorus not
genuine, ib.
Zeller, 169.
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