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Anciefit Lit2drgY Of the ChZUVch of EngZand, according to the
uses OfSamm, York, Hereford, and Bangot, and the Roman Liturgy arrangd
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Third Edition. 1881. 8vo. 15s.
Baedae Historia Ecclesiastica. Edited, with English Notes,
by G. H. Moberly, >LA. 1881. Crown 8ro. 10s. 611.
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  1. 8vo. 12s.
    Burnet's History of the Refomzntion of fhe Chzwch of England.
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    Cozmcils and Ecclesiastical Docziments rehtiq to Gmzt h'ritnilt
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Vol. 11. Part 11. 1878. Church of Ireland; Memorinls of St. Patrick.

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The occasional
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Records of the Refurmation. The Divorce, 1527-I.533- Mostly

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