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Vol. XVIII. Pahlavi Texts. Translated by E. W. West.

Vol. XIX. The Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king. A Life of Buddha
by Asvaghosha Bodhisattva, translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Dhar-
maraksha, A.D. 420, and from Chinese into English by Samuel Ueal. 10s. 6d.
Vol. XX. Vinava Texts. Translated from the PAli bv T. W.

Part 11. The DSistBn-i Dhik and The Epistles of XIBnilskihar. I 1s. 6d.

Rhys Davids aid Hermann Oldenberg. Part 111. The Ahllavagga, IV-XII.
10s. 6d.
Vol. XXI. The Saddharma-pundarika ; or, the Lotus of the

Vol. XXII. Gaina-Sdtras, Translated from Prkit by Her-

Vol. XXIII. The Zend-Avesta. Translated by James Dar-

Vol. XXIV. Pahlavi Texts. Translated by E. W. West.
Part 111. DPni-i MalnGg-l Khirad, Siliand-gGminlk, and Sad-Dar. IO;. GJ.

True Law. Translated by H. Kern. I 2s. Gd.

mann Jacobi. Part I. The AkBr&iga-Sfitra. The Kalpa-Siitra. 10s. Gd.

mesteter. Part 11. The SirBzahs, \'arts, and iXy8yis. 10s. Gd.

Second Series.
The following Volumes are in the Press:-
Vol. XXV. Manu. Translated by Georg Biihler.

Vol. XXVI. The Satapatha- BrAhrnana. Translated by

Vols. XXVII and XXVIII. The Sacred Books of China.

Julius Eggeling. Part 11.

The Texts of Confucianism. Translated by James Legge. Parts I11 and IV.
The Li Ki, or Collection of Treatises on the Rules of Propriety, or Ceremonial

Vols. XXIX and XXX. The Grzhya-sdtras, Rules of Vedic

Vol. XXXI. The Zend-Avesta. Part 111. The Yazna,

Vol. XXXII. Vedic Hymns. Translated by F. Max Muller.

Domestic Ceremonies. Translated by Hermann Oldenberg. Parts I and 11.

Visparad, Afrlgln, and Glhs. Translated by the Rev. L. H. Mills.

Part I.
*** The Secoffd Series wiU consist of Twenty-Four VoZtcmcs
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