(Wang) #1
Q- 15. rijs yip ahjs iori &VEOS K~OLS, dM’ 06 KUT~ TR~T~V, dXXL 6js piv

xpi~~~~ wijutr. ‘For acquisition belongs to the same use of
XP?)paTlUTLK$,’ Le. in all acquisition chrematistic is used in the same
way, though the ends differ, for the end in the one case is external,
i.e. the supply ofthe household, in the other case, mere accumulation.

ZIEPOV rmos, 4s 8’ 4 av”trlurr.

    1. Suer 82 KU~ TO; €4 [ijv inr,!3dXXowar, rb npbs rds dnohaiurrs rds uopa-
      rids [?)TOklV, &UT’ &T€’l Ka‘l TOGT’ <V T,: KT$U€L $UbfTRb hdpXfW K.7.h.
      Even good men desire pleasures, and therefore wealth, just
      because these (TO%’) depend on wealth. Cp. TOGTO, $ 15, referring
      to X~V,UUT~UTCK$.

    1. dv8p[ar ydp 06 ~p$para aorcb ddv &Ad Bdpoos.
      I. e. whereas the virtue of courage, the art of medicine or
      of military command have severally ends of their own, they are
      perverted to the unnatural end of money-making.

  1. I. @XOV br‘ KRi Tb blTOpOdJbEVOb’ i[ dPXjS, adTfpOV 70; OkOV0,ULKO~ Kd 7TOh-
    T~KO~ hriv 4 XP~~UT~UTLK$ 4 05, dhXh BE; soiko pr‘u Cndpxriv K.T.X.
    rb dnopo;prvov see supra c. 8. $$ I, 2.
    roC70, sc. ~d xp$para, understood from XpfpTlUrLK$ as infra 8 3
    TOCTO hmdpxriv refers to T& xpipa~a. dXXi 8s; is the other alternative
    of the dnopia, implying ILLC answer to the question: ‘ whether the
    art of money-making is the business of the manager of the house-
    hold and of the statesman or whether [this is not the case, but] the
    possession of wealth must be presupposed? [We reply, the latter.]
    For as the art of the statesman receives men from nature, even so
    must nature, that is to say land or sea or some other element, pro-
    vide them with food.’

IO. I. Bmrp ydp mi dvBpLnovs 06 nod 4 ~ro’hiri~i, &Xi XaBoiua nupi rjs
$&€OS XpijTal UiJTO%, 0v”ro KUi rpO$$Y T$V +imv a€; aRpa8oivar yijv 4
BdXanav 4 @\xo TL.
The last words yjv 4 BdXarrav 9 a%o TL are either I)* in appo-
sition with T$V +;ow, or 2) accusatives after napabohr. In the first
case fiv and BdXarrav are an explanation of riv $&cv. In the
second case T~O+~V is a remote accusative, ‘nature gives land and
sea for the supply of food.’ The latter way of taking the words is

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