(Wang) #1
NOTES, BOOK ri. 3. 47
are even : e. g. the odd numbers, 5 + j = I 2, which is an even num-
ber; or that five is both odd and even, because it is composed of
three which is an odd and two which is an even number. See
Arist. Sophist. Elench. c. 4. 162 a. 33. Cp. infra c. 5. $ z j, oi

'For the word Irhvrrs is fallacious, atzd
indttd the use of this and other analogous terms is a source of
contentious syllogisms in arguments.' KQ~, 'not only in this instance,
but in arguments generally.'
The fallacy referred to is that of o6vBcuLs and ~L~LPCULS, cp. Soph.
Elench. c. 20. I 77 a. 33 ff.

+,, riv ah& rh d8nyrovtiv &mcp rb Zprrov, K.T.~.
rai 21 rois Xdyois *.+A.

4 0"UOV iKdUT+l hlTLpd&l. 3.4.
Either, ' only so far as comes in the way of,' or, 'is the business
of each,' or, with a slight difference of meaning, ' only so far as it
touches or affects each.' Cp. i. 13. $ 8, 8th TAW p2v Zp~ovra TCX~QV
?pv 6ri riu @Krjv Aprrrjv r6v 6' r;hhov &aurov 0"oov C~ifidhh~~ airois.

Kfli Ol%Ol 06X &S iKdUTOV. 3. 5.
' Every man will have a thousand sons, and these do not pro-
perly belong to him individually, but equally to all.'

:TC 0u"rwg ;KUOTOS hp'bs h+ TAU st ~rpd~rovm riv 1roXtr6v 4 KQK~S, a. 5.
dxdoros rVYXLiVf1 (Ipdpbv ilv, OLU +S 3 TO; GC~VOS, TO;TOV TAU rphov
X+ov nap baurov T&V XiXlwv.
' Further, on this
principle [of common parentage], each one says of the citizen who
fares ill or well, '' he is mine," whatever fraction he himself may be
of the whole numbzr ; I mean that (OIOY) he will say, '' he is mine,"
or, " his," and this will be his way of speaking about each of Plato's
thousand citizens.' The words have a reference to Plat. Rep. v. 463

The citizen speaks as one in a
thousand of all the rest : he gives a thousandth part of his affection
to each and all of the thousand persons who are the objects of it.
Or, to put the matter in another way : we may suppose the citizens
to be conversing with each other: they say, 'my son is doing
'veil,' or, 'is not doinz well.' being each of them a thousandth Dart

o;ros*, ' on this principle ' ; +E=+& Curt.

ct rrpaitrcc 4 rb +v KQK~F.
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