(Wang) #1
frame, is a truth strongly felt by Plato (Rep. v. 462 D), less strongly
by Aristotle (infra c. 2. 0 13).

a. I. ti 84 TLE e'& dpx+ rh rrpciypara +vdpsva @Xl+rirv, Bmcp 2v rois L%OLP,
Ka) iv ro;1ois KGAUT' hv OXO Bfmp+ttu.
Aristotle does not mean that politics are to be studied in the
light of history; but rather that the complex structure of the state is
to be separated into the simple elements out of which it appears to
be created. Yet the two points of view are not always distin-
guished by him ; and his method of procedure is often historical
(e. g. in Book v) as well as analytical.

a. 2. ral 2v.. , +urois +warxhv sb i+lrdar, otv ai&, roio;+ov KaraXtdv

Aristotle, like Plato (Symp. 186), attributed sex to plants, male
The analogy of


and female being combined in the same plant.
plants and animals is drawn out ; De Gen. Anim. i. c. 23.

2 2. raOia rot&,
sc. rb rrpoopiprva imb roc +:p~owor, another instance of the vague
antecedent (c. 1. $ 2 and c. 2. 8 12).

  1. 3, ?l)v AfX$tK$u p+ptpav.
    Evidently an instrument that could serve other purposes than
    that of 3 knife. Compare the dflfhYK0~;XVlOV mentioned in iv.

  2. Q 8. The Delphian knife is described by Hesychius as hap-
    @&moa +rpou&v p/por u&poh, ( having an iron part added to it in
    front.' The name is in some way connected with the sacrifice at
    Delphi, and is said in the appendix to the Proverbiorum Centuria,

  3. 94 (p. 393 Schneidewin) to have passed into a proverb directed
    against the meanness of the Delphians in taking a part of the
    sacrifices and in charging for the use of the sacrificial knife. (See
    Goettling, Commentatio de Machaera Delphica, Jena, 1856.) We
    may agree with Schlosser in thinking that the matter is unimportant.
    rb @Gurc Gp'pxov oh ixovorv,... ylvcraa 4 xotvouia ah9u 806h7p Kai 80GXov.
    ' Among barbarians women are slaves. The reason is that all
    barbarians are equally slaves : there is no ruling principle among
    them such as gives the true relation of husband and wife, of master
    and slave; they are zd upon a level.'

a, 4.

Cp. infra, cc. 12, 13.
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