prophet, and Hegias, were the only foreigners admitted to the
rights of citizenship at Sparta. According to Plutarch, Dion was
also made a Spartan citizen (Dio, c. 17).
Q, I 7. rai +aoiv chi norc rois Enapridrais ra; pupious.
The ancient number of Spartan citizens is variously given : here
at 10,000; in Herod. vii. 234, at 8,000; according to a tradition
preserved by Plutarch (Lycurg. c. 8), there were 9,000 lots which
are said to have been distributed partly by Lycurgus, partly by
Polydorus, the colleague of the king Theopompus.
- hnrvamLx 8; rai d ncpi r$v rtwonotfav v6pos npbs ~~hp 4ily
At Sparta the accumulation of property in a few hands tended
to disturb the equality of the lots. The encouragement of large
families, though acting in an opposite way, had a similar effect.
According 'to Aristotle, depopulation and overpopulation alike con-
spired to defeat the intention of Lycurgus. Yet it does not seem
that the great inducements to have families were practically suc-
cessful ; perhaps because the Spartans intermarried too much.
Like Plato and Phaleas, the Spartan legislator is accused of
ncglecting population. (Cp. supra c. 6. $$ 12, 13~ and c. 7.
$9 4-8.) It is clearly implied in the tone of the ahole argument
(against Xr. Grote, vol. ii. c. 6) that there was an original equality
of property, but that it could not be maintained; cp. rbs K?<UflC
iud[ovra, 6. $ IO; T~S Xipas oh 8t~pgp&~s, 9. $ 19; and so Plato,
Laws 684 D.
- hnrvamLx 8; rai d ncpi r$v rtwonotfav v6pos npbs ~~hp 4ily
Q. '9, 8iL njv dnoplav ivioi $craw.
Cp. Thuc. i. 131, etc. where we are told that Pausanias trusted
to escape by bribery, ntmcCov xprjpawiv GtdCuciu T$V GiaBohjv. Also
Rhet. iii. 18. $ 6, I 4 19 a. 3 I, Ka'r hs 6 ,\~KGJV c6Bvvdpcvos rjp i+opiar.
ipr&pcvos c; Bo~oiiurv aGr+ Giraios dnoXohivai drcpot, :+9. '0 Si
' Oi~00iv & ro&ots rairh &v ; ' Ka; 8s ;+?. OLroiu Bixnior &,' F$q
' rai oi p2v yhp Xprjpara haB6mcs mho
&pa&v, +&I 6' O~K, CiXXh yu&pg.'
dnoloro ; ' ' 06 S+a,' 247,
- mi vk 8' b rob 'AAv8p;orr.
'Adphi is a proper name, probably referring to some matter in
- mi vk 8' b rob 'AAv8p;orr.