NOTES, BOOK rr. IO. 93
encoura@ng moderation in food, which he thought a good thing,
as as for keeping down population.
,+ robs Zppcvas roiiuas dptXlau, n~pl 3s ti $a;Xos + pi $a;Xos 10. 9.
zrspor iurat 70; &aoK+auBat rtarp6s.
Ifthese words refer to this work, the promise contained in them
Is unfulfilled. Nothing is said on the subject in Book vii. c. 16,
~~rl~en the question of population is discussed. The promise,
i>o\i.ever, is somewhat generally expressed; like the end of c. 8.
g 25 supra, ~ib VGU piv ii+fpcv rahqv r$v aK+iu, ixXov ycip iarr Kacpfv.
;vra$a 6' OCK it dndwou aipokai roirs K~U~OUS ;hi\' i~ rrvfv yrvGv, Kai 10.10-1 2.
TO& yipovras iK TfV KfKOcTp7)KdToV. =€pi 6V TObS OhTObS u"U 71s fT7rflC
xdy0~p KO; mpl rfu c'v IiaKf8a~poui yivop;uov. rb yhp civunc6Buvov, ra'l ~b
6th ~IOU pf;[du io-ri ylpas rtjs 6th~ nhols.. , ~b 8' +m~xd~~tv, K.T.X.
mpi OU. Do these words refer to* the yipowes (Susemihl, Bernays)
or to the K6UptLoi (Stahr)? The connexion would lead us to suppose
the latter; for what precedes and what follows can only be explained
on this supposition. Yet the Cosmi appear not to have held office
for life (cp. yipomas i~ rfv KfKOUp/ltlKdTUY), perhaps only for a year
(Polyb. vi. 46), though nothing short of a revolution could get rid
of hem ; see infra, $ 14. It is better to suppose that Aristotle has
gone off upon a word ' as at c. 9. $ 30, and is here speaking of
1lle yfpnwfs, but returns to his original subject at rb 8' <uuxci[fiu.
4 :IJ and yivophov have also been taken as neuters : ' about which
Ihings,' i. e. the mode of electing : but this explanation does not
agree aith the next words, which relate, not to the mode of election,
but to the irresponsibility of the office.
rb pi ~arir ypcippara Zpxciv, &AX' airoyvLpovas f'riu$aXis. 10. 11.
CP. C. 9. $ 23 where similar words are applied not, as here, to
the Cosmi and elders, but to the Ephors. Another more general
censure is passed on the yipovrfs, 25.
0~12 YAP ~ippards Ti rois KdupOts Qurcp 70;s i+pois, rdppo + dnoi- 10. 12.
eoiw yiuy rfv BLa+OcpoCvror.
Yet to say that the Cosmi could not be bribed because they
lived in an island appears to be rather far-fetched. Probably
Aristotk is thinking of the bribery of Hellenes by foreign powers,