The New Complete Book of Food
stomach acid (iron is more easily absorbed in an acid environment), while vitamin C may
change iron from ferric iron (which is hard for your body to absorb) to ferrous iron (which
your body absorbs more easily).
Diets That May Restrict or Exclude This Food
Low-fiber diet
Low-carbohydrate diet
Buying This Food
Look for: Tightly sealed packages that protect the raisins from air (which will make them
dry and hard) and insects.
Storing This Food
Store sealed packages of raisins in a cool, dark cabinet, where they may stay fresh for as long
as a year. Once the package is opened, the raisins should be stored in an air- and moisture-
proof container at room temperature and used within a few months. Check periodically for
mold or insect infestation.
Preparing This Food
To use raisins in a bread or cake, “plump” them first by soaking them in water (or wine, rum,
or brandy for a fruit cake) for about 15 minutes. Otherwise the raisins will be hard and dry
when the cake or bread is baked.
What Happens When You Cook This Food
If you cook raisins in water, their pectins and gum will dissolve and the raisins will soften.
They will also absorb liquids and swell up. Cook them long enough and the water will leak
out again, allowing the raisins to collapse.
How Other Kinds of Processing Affect This Food
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Medical Uses and/or Benefits
Iron supplementation. See About the nutrients in this food, above.