The New Complete Book of Food

(Kiana) #1

458 The New Complete Book of Food

interaction with fresh
milk 238
water as 419
anthocyanins 3, 51, 54, 55,
74, 100, 101, 121, 176, 259,
261, 331, 342, 370, 425–431
anthoxanthins 54, 84, 259,
261, 317, 399
interactions of
with beef 39–40
with cheese 98
with coffee 114
with tea 391, 392
sensitivity to 39, 98, 410
antibiotic activity, of garlic
antibiotic-related illness,
protection against 230–231
anticoagulants, interactions of
with alcohol 46, 136, 430
with asparagus 15
with broccoli 64
with brussels sprouts 68
with cabbage 76
with cauliflower 85
with garlic 167
with grapefruit 173
with greens 184
with onions 261
with tea 392
antidepressants, interactions
with alcohol 46, 136, 430,
with avocados 19
with bananas 23
with beans 34, 208,
with beef 40
with cabbage 76
with caviar 87
with cheese 98
with chocolate 106
with coffee 114–115
with cucumbers 125
with eggplant 139
with figs 148
with fish 155
with game meat 164
with lentils 208
with liver 222
with papaya 269

with peas 291
with raisins 336
with soy sauce 357
with spinach 364
with tea 391–392
with variety meat 406
with veal 411
antihistamines, interactions of
with coffee 115
with grapefruit 173
anti-inflammatory action, of
cherries 101
in blackberries 51
in blueberries 54–55
in chocolate 105
cooking meat with 37,
163, 200, 312
in grapefruit 170
in honey 188, 190
in oranges 265
in plums 308
in spinach 363
in tomatoes 396
antioxidant preservatives 413
antiscorbutics 172, 192, 204,
224, 265, 318, 339, 372, 384,
antiulcer medicine,
interactions of
with coffee 115
with tea 392
aphthous ulcers 204, 246, 266,
appetite stimulation 43–44,
134, 428
apple(s) 1–4
applejack 132
apple juice 3–4, 7
apple pie 2–3
apricot(s) 5–7
apricot juice 7
apricot oil 5
aquavit 132
armagnac 132
shellfish and 353
soybeans and 359
squid and 367–368
globe 8–10
Jerusalem 11–12, 273, 277
arugula 209–213
ascorbic acid oxidase 73

asparagus 13–15
Aspergillus flavus 347
aspirin, interactions of
with alcohol 46, 136,
with coffee 114
with garlic 167
with grapefruit 172
with oranges 266
with tangerines 385
athletes, energy sources for
avocado(s) 16–19

baby lamb 199
baking chocolate 103
banana(s) 20–23, 301–303
barley 24–26
Bartlett pears 286, 287
bath powder 118, 318, 347
bay leaf, in flour 158
bean(s) 30–34. See also green
beans; lentils; lima beans;
adverse effects associated
with 33–34
folate content of 30, 31
food/drug interactions of
medical uses/benefits of
bean sprouts 27–29
beef 35–40, 161
beef liver 219–220
beer 41–46
adverse effects associated
with 44–45
food/drug interactions of
medical uses/benefits of
nutrients in 41, 42
“beer belly” 45
beet(s) 47–49
beet greens 181–184
bell peppers 292–295
benzodiazpines, grapefruit
and 173
bergamottin 173
beri-beri 347
berries 50–52, 53–55,
126–127, 338–340, 369–372
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