The New Complete Book of Food

(Kiana) #1

472 The New Complete Book of Food

sweet peppers 292–295
sweet potatoes 380–382
Swiss chard 181–184
Swiss cheese 94, 96
swordfish 154
syrup 373–376

table sugar 373
table wines 426, 426
Tagamet. See cimetidine
tangelos 383–385
tangerines 383–385
tannins 112, 121–122, 341,
362, 386–392, 425
tapeworm, fish 155
T-bone steak 36
TCE. See trichloroethylene
tea 386–392
adverse effects associated
with 391
caffeine content of 387,
catechins in 387, 388,
fluoride content of
386–387, 387
food/drug interactions of
medical uses/benefits of
decay of. See tooth decay
staining of 420
temperature. See body
tenderized meat 40, 164,
267–269, 411
tequila 131–136
terbinafine, interactions of
with coffee 114
with tea 391
terpenoids 81
Terramycin. See tetracycline
interactions of
with beef 39–40
with cheese 98
with coffee 114
with cultured milk 232
with fresh milk 238
with pork 314
with tea 392

with variety meat 406
with veal 410
sensitivity to 39, 410
theobromine 103, 114, 387,
interactions of
with beef 40
with coffee 114, 115
with grapefruit 173
with tea 391–392, 392
in tea 387–392
deficiency of 347, 387
dietary sources of 56,
128, 273, 281, 345
inhibitor of 65, 73
RDA of xviii
tea and 387–388
thiocyanate 63–64, 68, 76, 85,
197, 334
Thompson grapes 174, 175,
175–176, 335
thymus gland (sweetbread)
402–406, 403
thyroid gland, enlargement of
63–64, 68, 76, 85, 197, 334,
348, 356, 400
tilefish 154
Tilsit cheese 96
tofu 357
Tokay grapes 175, 175–176
tolerable upper intake level
(UI) xiv
tomato(es) 393–397
adverse effects associated
with 396–397
medical uses/benefits of
vitamin C content of 393,
tomato juice 395
tongue (variety meat)
402–406, 403
tooth decay
increasing risk of 191, 375
protection against 96, 387,
391, 418
tortillas 118
Toxoplasma gondii 40, 410
toxoplasmosis 40, 410
tranquilizers, interactions of
with alcohol 46, 136, 431
with grapefruit 173

trans fatty acids 414
Trichinella spiralis 312–313
trichinosis 312–313
trichloroethylene (TCE) 112
omega-3 oils and 352, 367
sugar and 375
trihalomethanes 419
tripe 402–406, 403
triticale flour 158
trout 150, 153
tryptophan 59, 118, 168, 251,
tuna 153, 153, 155
tuna roe 86
turbinado sugar 373
turkey 319–323, 320
turnip(s) 398–401
turnip greens 181–184,
Tylenol. See acetaminophen
tyramine 19, 23, 34, 40, 46,
76, 87, 98, 106, 115, 125,
136, 139, 148, 155, 164, 208,
218, 222, 269, 291, 336, 357,
364, 392, 406, 411, 430

ugli fruit 170–173
UI. See tolerable upper intake
aphthous 204, 246, 266,
medication for, caffeine
and 115, 392
ultraviolet decontamination
339–340, 373
unique radiolytic products
(URPs) 38, 313
uric acid, increased
production of 33–34, 208,
222, 284, 291, 354, 360, 406
urinary antiseptics 55,
urination, painful, peppers
and 295
odorous 15
pigmented 49
URPs. See unique radiolytic
urushiol 224
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