Pediatric Nutrition in Practice

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Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation 133


  • The increased nutritional requirements dur-
    ing pregnancy can generally be met by eating a
    wide variety of foods according to the relevant
    government guidelines

    • Specific supplementation for folate to prevent
      NTD is widely recommended

    • Recommendations for other nutrients like io-
      dine and iron are more country and region

8 Goodnight W, Newman R; Society of
Maternal-Fetal Medicine: Optimal nutri-
tion for improved twin pregnancy out-
come. Obstet Gynecol 2009; 114: 1121–
9 Food Standards Australia New Zealand:
Mercury in fish. 2011. http://www.foodstan-
10 US Food and Drug Administration, US
Environmental Protection Agency:
What you need to know about mercury
in fish and shellfish: advice for women
who might become pregnant, women
who are pregnant, nursing mothers,
young children. 2004.


1 Osmond C, Barker DJP: Fetal, infant,
and childhood growth are predictors of
coronary heart disease, diabetes, and
hypertension in adult men and women.
Environ Health Perspect 2000; 108: 545–
2 Institute of Medicine (US) and National
Research Council (US) Committee to
Reexamine IOM Pregnancy Weight
Guidelines; Rasmussen K, Yaktine A
(eds): Weight Gain during Pregnancy:
Reexamining the Guidelines. Washing-
ton, National Academies Press, 2009.
3 National Health and Medical Research
Council: Australian Dietary Guidelines.
Canberra, National Health and Medical
Research Council, 2013.

4 US Department of Agriculture, US De-
partment of Health and Human Servic-
es: Dietary Guidelines for Americans,
2010, ed 7. Washington, US Govern-
ment Printing Office, 2010.
5 De-Regil LM, Fernández-Gaxiola AC,
Dowswell T, Peña-Rosas JP: Effects and
safety of periconceptional folate supple-
mentation for preventing birth defects.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010;
6 Hetzel BS: Iodine deficiency disorders
(IDD) and their eradication. Lancet
1983; 2: 1126–1129.
7 WHO: Guideline: daily iron and folic
acid supplementation in pregnant wom-
en. Geneva, WHO, 2012.

Koletzko B, et al. (eds): Pediatric Nutrition in Practice. World Rev Nutr Diet. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 113, pp 127–133
DOI: 10.1159/000367872

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