Pediatric Nutrition in Practice

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  • Practical recommendations for the safe han-
    dling of food at home and elsewhere are given
    in table 2

    • Toxicological safety of food is primarily the re-
      sponsibility of the manufacturer

    • Microbial safety of food is both the responsi-
      bility of the manufacturer and of the person
      preparing and serving it

11 FAO/WHO: Codex standard for contam-
inants and toxins in food and feed.
CODEX STAN 193 – 1995, rev 1997,
2006, 2008, 2009, amended 2010, 2012.
12 Larsen JC: Risk assessment of chemicals
in European traditional foods. Trends
Food Sci Technol 2006; 17: 471–481.
13 WHO: Guiding principles for feeding
infants and young children during
emergencies. Geneva, WHO, 2004.
14 Howard G, Bartram L: Domestic water
quantity, service level and health. Ge-
neva, WHO, 2003. WHO/SDE/WSH/
15 FAO/WHO: Enterobacter sakazakii and
other microorganisms in powdered in-
fant formula. Rome/Geneva, FAO/WHO,

    16 FAO/WHO: Enterobacter sakazakii
    and Salmonella in powdered infant
    formula. Rome/Geneva, FAO/WHO,

    17 FAO/WHO: Enterobacter sakazakii
    ( Cronobacter spp.) in powdered follow-
    up formula. Rome/Geneva, FAO/WHO,



1 Aggett PJ, Agostoni C, Goulet O, Hernell
O, Koletzko B, Lafeber HL, Michaelsen
KF, Rigo J, Weaver LT: The nutritional
and safety assessment of breast milk
substitutes and other dietary products
for infants: a commentary by the
ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition.
J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2001; 32:
2 Aggett P, Agostoni C, Axelsson I, Goulet
O, Hernell O, Koletzko B, Lafeber HN,
Michaelsen KF, Morley R, Rigo J, Sza-
jewska H, Weaver LT; ESPGHAN Com-
mittee on Nutrition: Core data for nutri-
tion trials in infants: a discussion docu-
ment – a commentary by the ESPGHAN
Committee on Nutrition. J Pediatr Gas-
troenterol Nutr 2003; 36: 338–342.
3 FAO: EMPRES Food Safety: Emergency
Prevention System for Food Safety.
Strategic plan. Rome, FAO, 2010. http://
4 FAO: Food Quality and Safety Systems:
a training manual on food hygiene and
the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
Point (HACCP) System. Rome, FAO,


5 Schilter B, Renwick AG, Huggett AC:
Limits for pesticide residues in infant
foods: a safety-based approach. Regul
Toxicol Pharmacol 1996; 24: 126–140.
6 Commission Directive 2006/141/EC of
22 December 2006 on infant formulae
and follow-on formulae and Amending
Directive 1999/21/EC. Offic J Eur Union
30.12.2006:L 401/1–33.
7 FAO/WHO: Standard for infant formula
and formulas for special medical pur-
poses intended for infants. CODEX
STAN 72 – 1981, amended 1983, 1985,
1987, 2007, 2011.
8 FAO/WHO: Standard for follow-up
formula. CODEX STAN 156 – 1987,
amended 1989, 2011.
9 FAO/WHO: Codex standard for pro-
cessed cereal-based foods for infants
and young children. CODEX STAN
074 – 1981, rev 2006.
10 FAO: Worldwide regulations for myco-
toxins in food and feed 2003. Food and
Nutrition Paper, vol 81. Rome, FAO,


Koletzko B, et al. (eds): Pediatric Nutrition in Practice. World Rev Nutr Diet. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 113, pp 78–82
DOI: 10.1159/000360319
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