Analyze the performance model
Conduct practical testing
Assess against the requirements
Rework the architecture
Tactics Optimize repeated processing
Reduce contention via replication
Prioritize processing
Consolidate related workload
Distribute processing over time
Minimize the use of shared resources
Reuse resources and results
Partition and parallelize
Scale up or scale out
Degrade gracefully
Use asynchronous processing
Relax transactional consistency
Make design compromises
Table 6 : Performance and Scalability (adopted from [Rozanski 2005]), extended
with IoT specific aspects
4.3.3 Trust, Security and Privacy
This chapter addresses fundamental properties of IoT systems for what
concerns their relation to the user. They are inter-related and, often, the
evaluation or the improvement of one of these qualities is necessarily related to
the others. Trust
Trust in the IoT environment is a fundamental yet difficult to obtain quality. As
the security one, this quality is highly dependent on the computation and
communication performance of the system. In the frame of IoT moreover, M2M
subjects must be enabled to evaluate this quality in order to obtain autonomous
Desired Quality A complex quality related to the extent to which a
subject expects (subjectively) an IoT system to be
dependable regarding in all the aspects of its functional
IoT-A Requirements UNI.062, UNI.065, UNI.099, UNI.407, UNI.408,
UNI.602, UNI.604, UNI.605, UNI.620, UNI.622
Applicability Relevant to the systems that share the use of
resources with subjects that are not a priori trusted.
Activities Capture trust requirements
Perform risk analysis
Check interoperability requirements and their impact on