Internet of Things Architecture

(Elliott) #1


Similarly, for UNIs assigned to quality aspects of the architecture (captured
through ARM Perspectives), the mapping of UNIs onto design choices mapping
(see Section 5.2.10 allows exploring perspectives and associated design
choices that are impacted by a given UNI, and which therefore should be
considered by the system designer. For instance, UNI.058 which reads ―The
system shall provide high availability‖ is mapped onto the Availability and
Resilience ARM Perspective, and can be instantiated using two Design Choices
(namely Cluster by location and Cluster by type of Resources). A corresponding
concrete system requirement would typically provide more details (such as
availability rate, etc). After identifying which Perspectives apply (and how) to
their concrete system, the system designer can use such a UNI-to-Perspective
mapping to derive which quality aspects of the concrete architecture are
impacted by the considered requirement(s).

Identify UNI corresponding

to concrete system requirement

Retrieve View

mapping for UNI.XYZ

Retrieve Perspective

mapping for UNI.XYZ

Retrieve Models mapping


Assess applicability of View

mapping for concrete architecture

Assess applicability of Models

mapping for concrete architecture

Assess applicability of Perspectives

mapping for concrete architecture

Identify concrete requirement mapping

on concrete architecture

No corresponding UNI



Figure 70 : How to use UNI to IoT ARM mapping to identify impacts of a given
requirement on a concrete system architecture - Activity diagram

5.2.9 Threat analysis

As part of the setup of an IoT architecture, risk planning and resulting
architectural decisions are of highest importance. The risk analysis carried out
in this section aims therefore at assessing risks pertaining to the IoT, and at

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