Internet of Things Architecture

(Elliott) #1


Element to protect Risk D/R/E/A/D rating Examples of Causes Mitigation and relevant Design Choices (for the latter see
Section 5.2.10)
Leaf device Loss or theft of a physical
device used for

enforce weak security

Two-factor authentication, when applicable. This means that the gain of
the physical device would not be enough for an attacker to pretend being a
legitimate user and authenticate as such.
Cryptographic credentials should be themselves protected (PIN code,
DC S.1,3: authentication. Note that identification instead of authentication
should not be applied
Loss or theft of physical
device containing private

enforce medium

Physical protection of stored credentials (e.g. security vault) – readability
of a device only upon fulfilment of certain conditions (e.g. known reader).

Attacker changes the
association between a
Virtual Entity and the
corresponding Physical

enforce medium

Wrong tag on a device. Secured discovery/ resolution/ lookup system.
A specific Design Choice for tamper-proof IDs is not provided for two
reasons. First, one could realise it on a hardware-level by using tamper-
proof hardware modules. Notice that hardware is out of scope for IoT-A
(device level is not part of the RA). The second reason is that tamper-
proof IDs can also be realised by a secure resolution system by means of
Authentication and Authorisation which is already part of the RA and thus
no Design Choice is needed..

Compromising resolution

Attacker gains control of
an actuator.

enforce medium

Proper authorisation scheme as offered by the Authorisation Functional
Component (see Section
End-to-end integrity protection, provided as part of protocol security.
DC S.5: prevent compromise through access restriction
DC A.16- 17 : reactive (autonomous) security in case of compromise
Attacker alters leaf-
device content so that a
user will eventually be
redirected to a malicious

enforce medium

Not specifically targeted. Addressable through a proper URI verification
system on user device.
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