WP2 as Deliverable D2.5. The graphical modelling environment
provides stencils and other components following the IoT-A concepts
of an entity based IoT Domain Model as it is outlined in this
deliverable. Stencils are graphical shapes commonly found in CAD
applications that can frequently also be provided separately from
websites such as http://www.bpm-research.com/downloads/bpmn-
- The graphical model is then serialized to an executable form. The
preliminary analysis of process execution languages and notations
that is part of deliverable D2.2 indicates that BPMN2.0 will most
probably be the preferred output format for IoT-aware processes. A
technical expert will use this serialization to deploy the process to an
execution environment in which the process is to be run.
- The actual process execution is then IoT-specific in the sense that it
delegates certain activities or process steps to IoT execution
platforms such as RWIP or Isis. What happens there is that service
capabilities and activity requirements are aligned in order to allow for
choosing appropriate services that are capable of providing the
required IoT-specific service qualities, such as e.g. a process might
require a certainty of information provided by a sensor service of at
least 80%, so that only a subset of the available sensor services
might be suitable for executing the process. At this stage, the Service
Composition and Orchestration components within the Service
Organisation FG become relevant, as certain quality and capability
parameters might not be met by individual services, but only by an
orchestration of individual services. The lower part of the diagram is
thus explained in more detail with the next figure in the next section.