C.7 Management
C.7.1 Functional Components
Description The tasks of the Configuration FC include
Initialising the system configuration. Gathering and
storing configurations from FCs and devices.
Tracking configuration changes.
Planning for future extensions of the system
(expansion, reduction, scaling).
UNI.014, UNI.015, UNI.021, UNI.101, UNI.505, UNI.706,
Technical use
Default function set
Function name Function description
retrieveConfiguration Access configuration of system, either from history
(latest known configuration) or from the system (current
configuration, including retrieval of the configuration of
one or a group of devices), enabling tracking of
configuration changes. The function can also generate a
configuration log including descriptions of devices and
FCs. A filter can be applied to the query.
setConfiguration Initialise or change system configuration according to a
provided template.
Description The goal of the Fault FC is to identify, isolate, correct and log
faults that occur in the IoT system. When a fault occurs, the
respective functional component notifies the Fault FC. The
Fault FC can also be used to detect performance lacks of FCs
by measuring the request/response time between the Fault FC
and the FC in question.. Such notification triggers, for instance,
the gathering of more data in order to identify the nature and
severity of the problem. Another action can encompass
bringing backup equipment on-line.