We can see that this works by checking it for a few simple triangles – the 3 : 4 : 5 being the
classic example. But this is not aproof– it is merelyinductionfrom a few cases, notdeduc-
tionfrom fundamental axioms. There are numerous proofs of Pythagoras’ theorem – we will
give one which has the sort of common sense appeal an engineer might enjoy.
Take four identical copies of any right-angled triangle, sidesa,b,cand arrange them
as shown in Figure 5.19, to form a square of sidea. While you are at it, just check
that all yourvisualarguments can be expressed solely in purely symbolic or geometrical
terms – imagine, for example, that you could not see or draw the diagram, and that you
had to describe and justify the whole thing to a friend.
Now from trianglesAEDandDHC,DH=candDE=b,soHE, the side of the
small internal square isb−c. The same argument applies to all pairs of adjacent triangles.
a H
Figure 5.19Proof of Pythagoras’ theorem.
( The total area of the big square is four times the area of the triangle
‘half base times height’=^12 bc
, plus the area of the small square. So
a^2 = 4 ×^12 bc+(b−c)^2
which with a bit of algebra (42
) simplifies to
a^2 =b^2 +c^2
Solution to review question 5.1.8
Of the two given sides, the longest, 6, must be the hypotenuse. If the
shortest side isxthen we have
x^2 + 52 = 62
62 − 52 =