Understanding Engineering Mathematics

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

16.4 Higher order derivatives

Ifz=f(x,y)is a function ofxandy,then


is also a function ofxandyand so

may itself be partially differentiated with respect tox,



or with respect toy,




. We write suchsecond order derivatesas:

∂^2 z


∂^2 z


∂^2 z


∂^2 z

which we will sometimes write aszxx,zxy,zyx,zyy, respectively.
For all functions we are interested in we may assume that

∂^2 z


∂^2 z

or zxy=zyx

Similarly, higher order derivates may be defined, such as

∂^3 z
∂x^2 ∂y


Problem 16.2
Evaluate all second order derivatives of the function

f.x,y/=x^3 Yy^3 Y 2 xyYx^2 y

and verify that

@^2 f


@^2 f

The differentiation off(x,y)=x^3 +y^3 + 2 xy+x^2 yis routine and we obtain

fx= 3 x^2 + 2 y+ 2 xy fxx= 6 x+ 2 y
fy= 3 y^2 + 2 x+x^2 fyy= 6 y

fxy=(fx)y=( 3 x^2 + 2 y+ 2 xy)y= 2 + 2 x

fyx=(fy)x=( 3 y^2 + 2 x+x^2 )x= 2 + 2 x

Exercises on 16.4

  1. Find all first and second order partial derivatives of the following functions,f(x,y),
    checking the equality of the mixed derivatives

(i) f(x,y)=x^3 y^2 + 4 xy^4 (ii) f(x,y)=exycos(x+y)
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