Martha Tedeschi,formerly of the ArtInstitute of Chicago,takes on the directorshipat the Harvard ArtMuseums this July.Her appointment comesas a coda to the insti-tutionâs 2014 Renzo Pianoremodel, which reorga-nized the universityâsthree art museums andvastly increased itsgallery space. Tedeschiâsgoal is to facilitate inter-disciplinary alliances,bolstered by the revampâs``````new conservation labsand study centers.âThrough collaborationswith other institutionson campus, we have thepotential to be nearlyencyclopedic,â she says.âI want to give facultyand students a singleobject to consider throughWKHOHQVRIWKHLUÃHOGIt could become amicrocosm of scholarship,providing a glimpseinto the minds at work
CLOSE-UPThe seven University of Southern California art students who droppedout in protest over funding and personnel changes at the Roski Schoolof Art and Design last spring will have a thesis show after all whenQHZ/RV$QJHOHVDUWVQRQSURÃW Pssst presents the work of the entirenongraduating class in âMFA no MFA Statement,â June 2 through July 17.Ì7KHVHDUWLVWVZDQWHGDVSDFHWRH[KLELWWKHLUÃQDOVKRZVμVD\VJules Gimbrone, a cofounder of Pssst. âIt was a natural part of ourHWKRVDVDQHZRUJDQL]DWLRQWRVXSSRUWDUWLVWVDQGVSHFLÃFDOO\WKRVHinterested in taking risks outside an institution that isnât really dealingwith things appropriately.â Artist and former Roski professor A.L.Steiner, who was denied a contract renewal during the student exodus,is on the advisory board of Pssst, which opened in a 5,000-square-footperformance, residency, and exhibition space in Boyle Heights in May.The student show coincides with a programming series onexperimental education at Pssst, âSummer School: Learn Not to Know,âthrough August 14. âWeâre not attempting to replace the highereducation model. I just think weâre trying to open up a dialogue aroundpedagogical practices,â says cofounder Barnett Cohen, who, withGimbrone, graduated from the California Institute of the Arts in 2014.âThe only answer I have for being an artist in America at this momentis to promote community and support each other,â Gimbrone says,âbecause, otherwise, no one else is doing it.â âRACHEL CORBETT
WHO NEEDS AN MFA?Adrian Cheng``````Pssst foundersBarnett Cohen andJules Gimbrone``````A term like art mall might seem hostile onits faceâcritical shorthand for the grimallegiance between museum and market,a critique of stultifying institutionalarchitectures, or both. For AdrianCheng, the Hong Kongâborn heirto a $9 billion real estate fortune,the notion of an art mall is cul-tureâand acculturationâby othermeans, a âbrandâ that animateshis K11 Art Malls, located in HongKong and Shanghai, and K11Art Foundation. He spoke to MostafaHeddaya about the evolution ofthe multifarious concept.There are a number of K11projects in progress, includingnew art malls throughout Asia,but also a Kunsthalle in Beijing,and a group show of Chineseartists at the Chi K11 museum inShanghai. How has K11 changedsince its inception?K11 started in 2008, and itâs abrand, so itâs not really a shoppingPDOO:HEULQJFXOWXUHDQGLQÃOWUDWHLWinto a space. We curate space as whatwe call museum-retail space; itâs amuseum space but we add a lot of retailcomponents to it. So, for example, inShanghai we have this building whereI have my art club on top, and thenWKH.RIÃFHDQGWKHQWKLVPXVHXPretail concept and the Chi K11 artmuseum underneath. The entire``````building is a vertical creative hub, wherewe incubate communities, do a lot ofaudience grooming.âIncubating communitiesâ andâaudience grooming.â Whatdo they mean?Letâs go back to the ideaof China. China doesnât have anyart education in public schools,thereâs no access to art. Peopledonât understand what creativitymeans. With the foundation,we try to incubate Chinese artists,Chinese curators; we want to build anew art ecosystem in China, especiallyfor the millennial and emerging gen-eration. How do you do that? Peopledonât have a habit of going to galleriesand museums, so I merged the artsscene with commerce, because peoplego to shopping malls. In order to grooman audience, to educate about art, youQHHGKLJKWUDIÃFDQGDFFHVVLELOLW\What is the relationship betweenthe commercial, retail side of K11and the foundation?The K11 Art Foundation is a bridgethat cross-pollinates. We think ofit as creating an ecosystem for Chinesecontemporary art, and for the youngaudience. The mall itself couldEHLQGHSHQGHQWEXWLQÃOWUDWHGLQWRa museum space it supports fundingand makes it sustainable for thefoundation to grow.
martin jones
(Martin Jones)