Modern Painters

(Martin Jones) #1

The British artist likes toask life’s Big Questions: Howdoes one live better? Whatis art? How do we understandother people? Then he incheshis way toward the answersthrough artworks that double aspsychological inquiries. Forhis largest U.S. survey to date,“The Back Door,” June 8 throughAugust 7, Creed is transformingthe period rooms of the Park AvenueArmory into a bar and vegancafe, and hiring a musical troupeto perform in the space. Forthe centerpiece of the show, Creedwill debut a new film that tacklesa subject that has preoccupiedhim and many patients on thecouch before: Mother. ModernPainters executive editor RachelCorbett spoke with the artistabout mouths and boredom.``````BLOUINARTINFO.COM JUNE/JULY 2016MODERN PAINTERS 65MYALLABOUTMOTHERA nervous Martin Creedcomes to New York

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