How Professors Think: Inside the Curious World of Academic Judgment

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Academic Revolution, The,159–160
academic standards, 55; in English, 59,
69, 70–72, 75, 76–77, 104; in various
disciplines, 62–63, 103, 106, 159; in
philosophy, 66, 69; in history, 83–84,
85, 86, 103–104; in anthropology,
90, 92–93, 94; in political science,
99; in economics, 101–102.See also
evaluation; excellence
accuracy, 169
advocacy, 181
affirmative action, 64, 203, 224–235,
African American studies, 235
Age of the Democratic Revolution, The,
Akerloff, George, 164
Allen, Walter, 284n18
alliances of panelists, 120–121
American Association for University
Women, 218–219
American Council of Learned Societies

(ACLS), 13, 251; applicants to, 15;
grants by, 16, 25, 283n1; Humanities
Fellowship program, 24; evaluation
process, 27, 28–30, 167; and selec-
tion of panelists, 30–31; and diver-
sity, 203, 212; and affirmative action,
American Philosophical Association
(APA), 66, 272n26
American Political Science Association
(APSA), 95–96, 237
American Political Science Review, 95
American Sociological Association
(ASA), 237, 274n42, 286n44
American Sociological Review, 11
Anderson, Benedict, 208
anonymity, 35
anthropology and anthropologists, 55,
56, 72, 93; and boundaries, 4, 88–91;
and “theory wars,” 58–59; view of
other disciplines, 62–63; cultural,
74, 87–95, 274n44; identity crisis in,

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