How Professors Think: Inside the Curious World of Academic Judgment

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compromise, 204
Comte, Auguste, 9
confidentiality, 255
conflict avoidance, 116
confrontation, 116
congeniality, 48
connection, 36
connoisseurship, 4, 51
consensus, 48, 59, 96, 105–106, 117,
264n53; within disciplines, 55, 76–78,
103; and philosophy proposals, 64
consistency, 141–142, 185
constructivist style, 57, 174–176, 178–
179, 224
continental philosophy, 272n23
corruption, 126–127
craftsmanship, 80–81, 103, 160, 168–
169, 273n34
cream rising metaphor, 13, 70–71, 95,
108, 241
creativity, 154
credibility of panelists, 112
cronyism, 108, 126–127, 158
cultural capital, 18, 161, 163, 188, 191–
192, 199
cultural material production, 74
cultural studies, 74, 91, 235
culture of peer review, 51
culture wars, 72
cynicism, 245

D’Arms, John, 30–31
Darnton, Robert, 84
Daston, Lorraine, 261n13
data analysis, 62, 194, 255–256
Davis, Murray, 192–193
Davis, Natalie Zemon, 84
debate, role of, 7, 260n11
decision making, 24, 246
decision theory, 248

deference, 105, 138–139, 146
deliberation, 7, 50–51, 141–142, 248,
260nn9,11, 277n15; mechanics of,
42, 45–51; disciplinary differences
in, 56–58
democracy, 33, 237–238
demographic patterns, 58–59, 60
dependency, 19
deprofessionalization, 73–75, 104
depth, 160, 168, 169
Derrida, Jacques, 70
Designing Social Inquiry, 98
detail, 113, 168, 169
determination, 195, 196, 199
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,
Dewey, John, 21, 50
disciplinary crisis, 104
disciplinary cultures, 53, 55–61, 63, 64,
disciplinary differences, 55–58, 152
disciplinary fragmentation (history),
disciplinary sovereignty, 117–119
disciplines, hierarchy of, 9, 11–12
disconfirmable knowledge, 61–62
distributive justice, 228
diversity, 4, 48, 202, 203–204, 235, 242,
284n22; ethnic, 4; and excellence, 5,
10, 217–219; gender, 5, 218–219;
geographical, 5; disciplinary, 5, 213;
institutional, 5, 213; of applicants,
26; of panels, 32–33, 151, 219–221;
of faculty, 211; criteria for, 211–212;
expansive definition of, 212–217;
topic, 213; and merit, 216; racial,
218–219; class, 331
doctoral degrees, 81–82, 87–88, 100–

Index / 323
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