224 Part II • Information Technology
and Internal
Dialog Management
(User Interface)
Decision Support System
FIGURE 6.1 Decision Support Systems Components
interface to the DSS. The user interacts with the DSS
through the dialog management component, identifying
the particular model and data set to be used, and then the
DSS presents the results to the user through this same
dialog management component. The model management
and data management components largely act behind the
scenes, and they vary from relatively simple for a typical
spreadsheet model to quite complex for a mathematical
programming-based scheduling model.
An extremely popular type of DSS is a pro forma
financial statement generator. Using a spreadsheet
package such as Microsoft Excel, a manager builds a
model to project the various elements of the organization
or division financial statement into the future. The data
employed are historical financial figures for the organiza-
tion. The initial (base) model incorporates various
assumptions about future trends in income and expense
categories. After viewing the results of the base model, the
manager performs a series of “what-if” analyses by
modifying one or more assumptions to determine their
impact on the bottom line. For example, the manager
might explore the impact on profitability if the sales of a
new product grew by 10 percent per year, rather than the
5 percent incorporated in the base model. Or the manager
might investigate the impact of a higher-than-expected
increase in the price of raw materials, such as 7 percent
per year instead of 4 percent per year. This type of
financial statement generator is a simple but powerful
DSS for guiding financial decision making.
An example of a DSS driven by transactions data is a
police-beat allocation system used by a California city.
This system enables a police officer to display a map
outline and call up data by geographic zone, which shows
police calls for service, types of service, and service times.
The system’s interactive graphics capability lets the officer
manipulate the maps, zones, and data to consider a variety
of police-beat alternatives quickly and easily and takes
maximum advantage of the officer’s judgment.
Other DSS examples include an interactive system
for capacity planning and production scheduling in a large
paper company. This system employs detailed historical
data and forecasting and scheduling models to simulate
overall performance of the company under differing
planning assumptions. A major oil company developed a
DSS to support capital investment decision making. This
system incorporates various financial routines and models
for generating future plans; these plans can be displayed in
either tabular or graphic form to aid in decision making.
A major airline uses a DSS to help aircraft controllers deal
with aircraft shortage problems that might arise at an
airport because of delayed or canceled incoming flights or
mechanical problems for aircraft on the ground. The DSS,
which uses a network optimization modeling technique,
helps controllers use spare aircraft more effectively as well
as evaluate possible delay-and-swap options. Over an
18-month period, this DSS saved the airline more than
$500,000 in delay costs.
All the DSS examples cited are more properly called
specific DSSs. These are the actual applications that assist
in the decision-making process. In contrast, a DSS
generatoris a software package that provides a set of
capabilities to build a specific DSS quickly and easily
(Sprague and Carlson, 1982). In the previous pro forma
financial statement example, Microsoft Excel can be
viewed as a DSS generator, whereas a specific Excel
model to project financial statements for a particular
division of a company is a specific DSS.
Data Mining
In Chapter 5 we introduced data warehousing—the idea of a
company pulling data from its operational systems and
putting the data in a separate data warehouse so that users
may access and analyze the data without interfering with the
operational systems. In that discussion we touched on the
variety of software tools available for analysis of data in
the warehouse but deferred a more complete discussion until
this chapter. Our argument was that the creation and mainte-
nance of the data warehouse is an enterprise system, in that
the data warehouse supports the entire organization by