Chapter 6 • Managerial Support Systems 233
FIGURE 6.4 Map Layers in a GIS
including Environmental Systems Research Institute
(Esri), Pitney Bowes (with its MapInfo products), Autodesk,
Tactician Corp., and Intergraph Corp. Ongoing develop-
ments in geographic technologies include the following:
- three-dimensional and dynamic modeling to simu-
late movement through time and space, such as
reconstructing the path of Hurricane Katrina - geography in your hand—the continued proliferation
of spatial technologies such as GPS into handheld
devices for consumer use in location-based services
(see the box entitled “Intelligent Locations or
Location Intelligence?”)
- linking spatial capability with wireless capability for
deployment and redeployment of the right assets—
both human and nonhuman—to the right place, in
real time, particularly for public safety or customer
service - forecasting models that include geography as a
variable to predict, for example, the responses of
consumers to a loyalty card program based on