Managing Information Technology

(Frankie) #1
Chapter 1 • Managing IT in a Digital World 9

Review Questions

1.Define what is encompassed in the term information
2.What are some of the ways that IT has become “pervasive”?
3.What kinds of portable IT help employees work more effi-
ciently and effectively? What may interfere with productivity?
4.What kinds of IT can help support teams when team mem-
bers work at different locations?
5.How have some businesses used the Internet to compete
based on low cost, product/service differentiation, or both?

6.What kind of a business might choose to have low levels of
dependence on IT?
7.What three types of IT resources need to be managed well?
8.What are some examples of newer IT manager roles, and
why are they needed today?
9.For what reasons might an IT manager have a reporting
relationship with a CIO as well as with a senior business

Discussion Questions

1.Provide an example of how a business function with which
you are familiar (e.g., sales, marketing, finance, operations/
production, accounting, human resources) utilizes IT for oper-
ational and/or strategic purposes.
2.Describe some ways that you personally use information
technologies differently than you did just a few years ago.
3.Some organizations purposefully select a CIO that has strong
business management backgrounds, not just technical experi-
ence. Under what organizational circumstances do you think
this might be an effective choice?
4.Describe a new business for which you think a “virtual
organization”—which has no physical office or headquarters—

could be an effective design. What are some ways that the
organization could use IT to help them effectively run their
5.Would you like to work as a free agent? Why or why not?
6.Using the Internet, identify what is meant by the term digital
divide. What actions do you think could be taken to lessen this
divide—both within your own country and elsewhere in the
7.Identify some Web sites for publications that could be useful
supplementary resources for studying some of the IT topics
in this textbook.


Bala, Iyer, and John C. Henderson. 2010. “Preparing for the
future: Understanding the seven capabilities of cloud comput-
ing.” MIS Quarterly Executive9, 2 (June): 117–131.
Boehret, Katherine. 2010. “For the iPad, Apps with their own
wow factor.” The Wall Street Journal(April 7): D3.
Brown, Carol V. 2004. “Seamless IT alignment” in S. Chowdhury
(ed.),Next Generation Business Handbook. New York: John
Wiley & Sons, 1157–1168.
Carr, Nicholas. 2003. “IT doesn’t matter.” Harvard Business
Review(May): 41–49.
Culnan, Mary J., Patrick J. McHugh, and Jesus I. Zubillaga.

  1. “How large U.S. companies can use twitter and other
    social media to gain business value.” MIS Quarterly Executive
    9, 4 (December): 243–259.
    Friedman, Thomas L. 2005. The World Is Flat: A Brief History of
    the Twenty-First Century. New York: Farrar, Strauss and
    Jones, Kathryn. 2003. “The Dell way.” Business 2.0
    (February): 23.
    Kappelman, Leon. 2001. “The future is ours.” Communications
    of the ACM44, 3 (March): 46–47.

MacMillan, Douglas, Peter Burrows, and Spencer E. Ante. 2009.
“The App Economy.” BusinessWeek(November 2): 44–49.
Majchrzak, Ann, Luba Cherbakov, and Blake Ives. 2009. “Social
networking within corporations.” MIS Quarterly Executive8,
2 (June): 103–108.
Nolan, Richard, and F. Warren McFarlan. 2005. “Information
technology and the board of directors.” Harvard Business
Review83 (October). HBR Reprint R0510F.
Porter, Michael E. 2001. “Strategy and the internet.” Harvard
Business Review79 (March): 63–78.
Pottruck, David S., and Terry Pearce. 2000. Clicks and Mortar:
Passion Driven Growth in an Internet Driven World. San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Ross, Jeanne W., Cynthia Mathis Beath, and Dale L. Goodhue.

  1. “Develop long-term competitiveness through IT
    assets.” Sloan Management Review38, 1 (Fall): 31–42.
    Weill, Peter, and Jeanne W. Ross. 2009. IT-Savvy. Boston, MA:
    Harvard Business Press.
    Willcocks, Leslie, and Catherine Griffiths. 2010. “The crucial
    role of middle management in outsourcing.” MIS Quarterly
    Executive9, 3 (September): 177–193.

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