Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


70. b. The noun rendezvous means (1) a prearranged meeting at a certain time
and place; (2) a place where people meet, especially a popular gathering
place. The verb rendezvous means to bring or come together at a certain
place, to meet at a rendezvous.
71. a. A cliché is a trite or overused expression or idea.
72. d. An aficionado is a fan or devotee, especially of a sport or pastime.
73. b. The prefix pro means for. If someone is proactive, they are forward think-
ing and take action or initiative to make things happen.
74. d. The word root scribe means to write; to engrave on a surface.
75. b. Vast means very great in size; immense.
76. d. Enthusiastic means eager.
77. a. If something is adequate, it is sufficient.
78. d. Comply is synonymous with obey.
79. b. To be uniform is be consistent or the same as others; to be diverse is to
have variety.
80. d. A person who is ecstatic is thrilled.

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