Vocabulary for TOEFL iBT

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


approbation (ap·ro ̆·'bay·sho ̆n) n. approval. The local authorities issued an approba-
tion to close the street for a festival on St. Patrick’s Day.

appropriate ( ̆a·'pro ̄·pre ̄· ̆t) adj. suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion,
or place; fitting. (a ̆·'proh·pree·ayt) v. to take for one’s own use, often without per-
mission; to set aside for a special purpose. The state legislature will appropriate two
million dollars from the annual budget to build a new bridge on the interstate highway.

apropos (ap·ro ̆·'poh) adj. appropriate to the situation; suitable to what is being
said or done. adv. 1. by the way, incidentally. 2. at an appropriate or opportune
time. Chancey’s comments may have been disturbing, but they were definitely apropos.

arcane (ahr·'kayn) adj. mysterious, secret, beyond comprehension. A number of
college students in the 1980s became involved in the arcane game known as “Dun-
geons and Dragons.”

archaic (ahr·'kay·ik) adj. belonging to former or ancient times; characteristic of
the past. The archaic language of Chaucer’s tales makes them difficult for many stu-
dents to understand.

archetype ('ahr·ki·t ̄p) n. an original model from which others are copied; origi-
nal pattern or prototype. Elvis Presley served as the archetype for rock and roll per-
formers in the 1950s.

ardor ('ahr·do ̆r) n. fiery intensity of feeling; passionate enthusiasm, zeal. The
ardor Larry brought to the campaign made him a natural spokesperson.

arduous ('ahr·joo·u ̆s) adj. 1. very difficult, laborious; requiring great effort.

  1. difficult to traverse or surmount. Commander Shackleton’s arduous journey
    through the Arctic has become the subject of many books and movies.

ascent (a ̆·'sent) n. 1. an upward slope. 2. a movement upward, advancement. The
rock climbers made the ascent up the side of the mountain.

ascetic (a ̆·'set·ik) adj. practicing self-denial, not allowing oneself pleasures or
luxuries; austere. Some religions require their leaders to lead an ascetic lifestyle as an
example to their followers.

askew (a ̆·'skyoo) adj. & adv. crooked, not straight or level; to one side. Even the
pictures on the wall stood askew after my five-year-old son’s birthday party.

asperity (a ̆·'sper·i·tee) n. harshness, severity; roughness of manner, ill temper,
irritability. The asperity that Marvin, the grumpy accountant, brought to the meet-
ings usually resulted in an early adjournment.

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