chairperson proudly announced that the keynote speaker at the animal rights conven-
tion would be the eminent primatologist Jane Goodall.
empirical (em·'pir·i·kal) adj. based on observation or experience rather than the-
ory. Frank’s empirical data suggested that mice would climb over the walls of the
maze to get to the cheese rather than navigate the maze itself.
emulate ('em·yu ̆·layt) v. to try to equal or excel, especially by imitation. Ricky
admired his sister Joan and always tried to emulate her behavior.
enclave ('en·klayv) n. a distinct territory lying wholly within the boundaries of
another, larger territory. The country of Lesotho is an enclave of South Africa.
endemic (en·'dem·ik) adj. 1. prevalent in or characteristic of a specific area or
group of people. 2. native to a particular region. Kudzu, a hairy, purple-flowered
vine thought to be endemic to the southeastern United States, was actually imported
from Japan.
enervate ('en·e ̆r·vayt) v. to weaken, deprive of strength or vitality; to make fee-
ble or impotent. Stephanie’s cutting remarks managed to enervate Hasaan.
engender (en·'jen·de ̆r) v. to produce, give rise to, bring into existence. Professor
Sorenson’s support worked to engender Samantha’s desire to pursue a PhD.
enigma (e ̆·'ni·ma ̆) n. something that is puzzling or difficult to understand; a
baffling problem or riddle. The math problem was difficult to solve and proved to be
an enigma.
ennui (ahn·'wee) n. boredom and listlessness resulting from something tedious
or uninteresting. The tour guide’s façade of enthusiasm could not hide his ennui.
enormity (i·'nor·mi·tee) n. 1. excessive wickedness. 2. a monstrous offense or
evil act, atrocity. (Note: Enormity is often used to indicate something of great
size—e.g., the enormity of the task—but this is considered an incorrect use of
the word.) The enormity of the serial killer’s crimes will never be forgotten.
ensconce (en·'skons) v. 1. to fix or settle firmly and securely. 2. to place or hide
securely, conceal. Once the spy was comfortably ensconced in his new identity, he
began his secret mission.
ephemeral (i·'fem·e ̆·ra ̆l) adj. lasting only a very short time, transitory. Summer
always seems so ephemeral; before you know it, it’s time to go back to school again.
epicurean (ep·i·'kyoor·ee·a ̆n) n. a person devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and
luxury, especially the enjoyment of good food and comfort. While on vacation at
a posh resort hotel, Joan became a true epicurean.